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Welwyn Backyard Metropolis – Hertfordshire – Details Concerning the City

Welwyn Garden City – Hertfordshire – Facts About the Town

The town of Welwyn Garden City – Hertfordshire is located Hertfordshire in England. The town was established in 1920 as one of the garden cities in the country. Welwyn was granted town status in 1948.

Tourists will be particularly interested in this town. What makes the town different from other towns is its double status as a town and garden city. Visitors to the town will be fascinated by its history and layout. The town plan shows an attempt at integrating the natural, cultural and social elements of the place.

The town was the idea of Sir Ebenezer Howard. Sir Ebenezer Howard had previously worked on the Letchworth Garden City. His idea was a success and he decided to take it elsewhere. Howard was an advocate of town planning that combines the elements of rural areas and urban areas. He believed that there were benefits to be obtained from this type of town planning. The definition of a garden city is found in the records of the Garden Cities & Town Planning Association.

The design of the city began in 1919. In order to create a garden city, land was needed. The ideal location for the city was in Hertfordshire. Sir Howard bought a tract of land in Hertfordshire. The following year, preparations for building the garden began. A team of professionals was assembled to design and construct the city. The team included an architect, a secretary and builders. The team was essentially company known as the Welwyn Garden City. Sir Theodore was appointed as the chairman of the company, while Louis De Soissons was the architect.

The layout of the town is clear. It consists of streets with trees along the sides and a city centre that resembles neo-Georgian architecture. Bodies for protection of environment areas and management of the town were established. Roads leading in and out of town are lined with grass kerbs.

Along the main road, visitors can see malls and parkways. This area is known as Parkway. The view from the southern side of Parkway is beautiful. The urban areas are divided into the east side and west side.The western side has new developments while the eastern side has old buildings.

garden centre
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