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Photo voltaic Panel Know-how

Solar Panel Technology

Shell, the global power company, predicts that 50 percent the planet’s power supply will be derived from renewable sources within the next three decades. Total, General Electric and BP are just three of the leading corporations joining Shell in a huge renewable energy development project. The tragic BP oil disaster has thrown a powerful spotlight on the demand for alternative energy sources, increasing interest in solar energy and other renewable power sources. The oil spill has resulted in a reshuffle of investment priorities, with US power marketing campaigns putting more focus on sustainable power options than ever before.

Solar panels are composed of solar cells. A single solar cell is unable to supply enough power to provide sufficient electricity, which explains why a few of them are attached together to compose solar panels producing more electricity. The most typically used solar panels (also called Photo Voltaic or PV modules) produce up to 50 W of solar electricity and are made from silicon cells. Solar panels can also be interconnected in order to generate more energy.

Solar panels will still work with a roof that faces east or west and are not reliant on a south/north one. Another effective option is the ground-mounted solar system placed in a flat, un-shaded area. A pole, fixed into the ground with cement holds the solar panel in place. Batteries which have been charged with any surplus electricity produced by the solar panels throughout the day can provide energy overnight.

Your utility bills will be greatly reduced using solar energy (after all, sunlight is free); so although you’ll have an initial outlay, you’ll save cash over time. Regular solar systems can incur significant installation costs; however, government incentives are available. There are two ways to collect tax credits from the federal government, for solar energy. Incentives available at state level include rebates offered by over fifty percent of US states.

It is becoming more important than ever to step up our reliance on natural, renewable power sources rather than dwindling fossil fuels. The silent, pollutant-free energy produced by solar power systems has made these the most prevalent choice for renewable energy. The most common method of making solar power is to fit photovoltaic panels to your dwelling while staying connected to the electricity grid. This way, any spare electricity created by the solar panels is delivered to the grid. This makes it possible for you to sell any extra electricity that you may create, and to get electricity when, at night, your panels are not absorbing sunlight.

Solar panels can increase a home’s value on the property market. HUD has reported that for every $1,000 saved in annual energy bills, the home’s property value increases by $20,000. Energy efficiency has an important effect on the price of a house. Another good reason for buying a home with a solar system installed is the security it provides against blackouts. Unlike neighboring houses still relying on the utility company, a solar-powered house will be unaffected by power outages – a benefit which is reflected in its value.

solar system

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