Container Gardening With The Beautiful Lily Plant – Flowers Add Life
The lily belongs to the Liliaceae family of which there are 250 genuses and 4-6000 known species. The Lily is so called after the Greek, Lerion, which means White Lily (Lilium Candidum), the llily comes from the northern hemisphere, and they are monocotyledonous, bulbous plants.
The Habit of the Lily The lily blooms in Spring or Summer time and enjoy being grown in a soil that is well fertilised. The best place to plant the lily in in sunny but not direct sunlight. It also prefers protected areas as the lily does not enjoy being blown around in the wind.
When planting the lily a one foot deep hole should be made, then lines with compost or peat. Plant the bulbs and cover them with an inch of compost or peat. As a recommendation the bulb should be placed in the ground 3 times deeper than their height, thus if the onion is one inch in length plant it 3 inches deep.
Uses for the Lily Plant Lillies are great in any garden, however they make a fantastic container plant. Because of its beauty it is extremely popular with Florists and you will see a lot of lilies in the flower shops since they look very nice in a bouquet. The cut flowers of the lily generally to live for eight days providing clean fresh water is supplied regularly. The lily or lilium is mainly a hardy bulb that is easily grown from seed that is sown as soon as it is ripe. The bulbs are best grown in a cold frame and then should be potted on once it is established. The lily tends to then flower in around four to five years, but the wait is well worth it. Got questions on lily plant gardening
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