In order to make your jump higher you must be able to understand how to do it, and I’m going to show you this in this article. My vertical used to be terrible and I was constantly getting out-jumped by opponent blockers. This not only made me a lesser player and was getting overlooked for my team a lot, but it began to affect my enjoyment of basketball!
It wasn’t until I followed a specific program specifically designed to make your jump higher until I actually made some serious gains. I managed to get my vertical from 26 inches up to 38 inches in the space of three months! Let’s just say when the holidays had ended and I did my first windmill dunk in front of my coach, his opinion changed of me! It was like he’d seen a ghost!
So what was the big secret you might say? Well there isn’t one, you just need to be training with the right principles and workout with exercises designed to rapidly increase the amount of fast twitch muscle fibres in your body. fast twitch muscle fibres give you the explosive strength to jump, so it’s important that you do everything you can to increase the amount you have.
I did this by going to my gym and working out for about one hour, three times per week. That’s all the gym work I did for strength training! In this situation, less is more. The more intense your workout then the more muscle mass you can gain. I used heavy weight with low reps and this significantly increased my all round body strength, especially in the legs.
Diet also plays a massive factor to make your jump higher. After a workout it is vital you intake whey protein to repair and grow your muscles. Throughout the rest of the day you want to be eating plenty of slow release energy foods and lots of fruit and veg. My energy levels shot up and my vertical height began to increase as well.
Technique is a very important part for increasing your vertical jump height. Thing is, you can have all the muscle in the world but if you do not know how to take off and stabilise yourself then you aren’t going to get far.
So to make your jump higher you need to develop a specific routine and follow it. With the right dedication, you will be able to add over 10 inches to your vertical very quickly like I did.
#Jump #Higher
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