
eCommerce Programming for Nice Plains Dynamics GP – Introduction

eCommerce Programming for Great Plains Dynamics GP – Introduction If your organization deploys Microsoft Dynamics GP Great Plains ERP and…

Microsoft Great Plains Distribution, Barcoding, Consignment – overview for consultant Microsoft Great Plains – ERM from Microsoft Business Solutions and…

SQL: Querying Microsoft Great Plains – Overview for Database Administrator/Developer Looks like Microsoft Great Plains becomes more and more popular,…

Microsoft Nice Plains SQL Reporting and Knowledge Fixing

Microsoft Great Plains SQL Reporting and Data Fixing This is beginner level SQL scripting article for DB Administrator, Programmer, IT…

Upgrading Great Plains Dexterity Customization – switching to new technologies: SQL, Crystal, eConne 1. Replace Dexterity cursor with SQL Stored…

Microsoft Great Plains Reporting – Overview for Developer

Looks like Microsoft Great Plains becomes more and more popular, partly because of Microsoft muscles behind it. Now it is…

Microsoft Great Plains Technical Support : Typical Questions and Answers

Technical support offered by MBS depends on the region. For North America (NA), support is available to both partners and…

Great Plains – Crystal Reports Design Overview

Microsoft Dynamics GP, or former ERP name is Great Plains Software Dynamics / eEnterprise gives you, programmer or software developer…

SQL Administrator Skills Required to Support Microsoft Great Plains

Microsoft Great Plains is becoming more and more popular and we see new purchases among midsize and large corporations, where,…

Microsoft Dynamics GP: Great Plains Recycling Business Automation

Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains could be considered as generic ERP platform to be tailored to fit specific industry and…