led tube light

Cool Car Colors

A car color can give you a lot of insight into the driver and his or her personality. Here are…

Exile On Main Street

It is often the trait of a great band that they can be remembered for one masterful album alone. For…

Crows Feet – Some Treatments and the Red Skin Side Effect

Age, UV rays, alcohol, smoking, less sleep, stress, and some particular facial expressions like squinting etc. are some of the…

A Guide to All Nail Polish Finishes Available

Nail polish is so great because it’s the same size for everyone no matter your skin tone. The problem starts…

Einstein Was Not A Scientist

It’s shocking to say that maybe the most renowned scientist in history is not a Scientist. But according to the…

Telescopic Fishing Rod – A Great Option When You Have to Pack Light

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a very serious fisherman. So when it comes to fishing poles, I…

Alternative Uses For Your Living Room

Like most colonials, our home has a family room and a living room. And like most homeowners, we spend a…

Use the Pomodoro Technique To Keep Your ADD/ADHD Homeschooler On Track

Anyone who homeschools knows that it can be difficult to keep kids focused on their work. There are a lot…

Garden Lights – Endless Lighting Varieties

There are so many different types of garden lights that if you had just one of each of the main…

Create Your Perfect Home Interior With Beautiful Customized Window Treatments

Windows treatments are often relegated to the realm of the utilitarian. Many homeowners simply seek to cover their windows for…

Rosy Barb Fact Sheet

The Rosy Barb, Puntius conchonius, is a very easy fish to keep. Sometimes the Common Name is spelt Rosey Barb….