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Shared Hosting v Dedicated Hosting

To decide which suits your purpose, dedicated or shared hosting, it is important to know the basic features of both and also their main differences.

When a single piece of hardware is used by a single hosting account in a web hosting company’s data center it is known as dedicated hosting while in shared hosting many accounts use the same piece of hardware.

Each kind of hosting has its own advantages and features depending on the purpose. Some of the general features of dedicated servers are that they have a bandwidth of 30 GB and upwards, high reliability has first-rate security and is totally customizable while priced at around $200 a month whereas as far as shared hosting is concerned, a bandwidth ranging between 5 – 20 GB would be available with standard security with some typical customizing options only and would be available for somewhere between $5 to $20 per month.

Though dedicated hosting is much more expensive than shared hosting, it has many advantages especially with respect to the data transferring. If the website has high traffic then the owner would realize the need for dedicated hosting as data transfer to numerous users would not be an issue unlike as in shared hosting where the owners with such high traffic would realize that they are outgrowing their shared server accounts. So they would end up spending lot of money for numerous shared accounts whereas in such cases it is best to take up one dedicated account. However either way it all depends on the rate of data transfer so the more bandwidth u require, the cost would depend on that and thereby your choice between dedicated hosting and shared hosting. Except for big companies, most of the website owners prefer to go for shared hosting as getting a $195 dedicated is way costlier for their purpose while they could go for an $8 shared account.

The main difference between dedicated and shared hosting is that dedicated hosting lets a person customize and expand his bandwidth as per his will requirements at any point of time but in shared hosting the customer has to share resources with many others so the bandwidth would also depend on the traffic of the other customers holding accounts with the same domain and he would have to adjust accordingly and also he wont have an option to expand his bandwidth beyond a certain limit and also the customizing option is highly limited. Secondly if any one of the other account holders has a door open for viruses and hackers, immediately all other account holders become vulnerable also whereas such is not the case with dedicated hosting as the owner can customize and will be responsible for the security of his account. But shared hosting is cheaper as a single server is shared between many users and also the user does need to spend lot of time customizing or maintaining his account as basic features are already present ready to use.

So basically commercial websites, with sensitive information and lot of traffic would need dedicated accounts, while small individual website owners can go for a shared account. So unless you need the exclusive features of a dedicated account, a normal shared account would suit your purpose.


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