seo Friendly Ecommerce Solution – Things to Be Considered!
To make sure consumers who are looking for the products that are available on your website click your website you must make your server seo friendly. This not only helps the customers to find the product of their need but also makes them check out other products that you offer. This also helps the customer to get to know about you brand and the quality of your products and might also enable certain people to shift their preference to your products.
But the major problem in the fact of an ecommerce solution being seo friendly is that the seo might not be able to detect the keywords. According to a research, half of the keywords that are searched every month are unique and unable to be detected. It might sound weird but is one of the major facts why ecommerce solution is considered important. Ecommerce solutions have substantial amount of contents and those contents have the capability to find out both predictable and unpredictable keywords. This helps the seo to display your website in the list of the search result. There are certain aspects which should be considered in order to make your ecommerce solution seo friendly.
Unique title tags – every page of your site must have a unique title tag. Title are the most important aspect in making your website appear in the search result list therefore there should be unique title tags on each page but make sure those title tags are relevant to the page. There is nothing more disastrous than having same title tags on each page. As this will not only reduce the chances of your website being detected in the search result list but will also at some point of time become irrelevant as you will not be posting same information again and again on your website. Another intelligent move that you can take is by combining smart keyword research with the product or category name.
Navigation – whether your navigation is textual or graphical you need to utilize it for seo purpose. The text in either of the two formats helps to define the pages that are contained in your site. Mostly ecommerce applications that automatically generate navigations do it in textual form and not in graphical form. In such case the text will be whatever you choose to be the name of the product or category. If you get to know how your navigation is generated you then can easily plan you seo strategies according to it.
Site map – if your site contains more pages than can be read by navigation, you surely will be needing a site map that will separate your pages in categories or at least will show the main contents of your site. This helps you in case you have numerous amounts of products. Since every product cannot be displayed on single page therefore there is a site map which will inform the visitors about the main products that you offer providing a link to those pages to assist them in checking out your product line.
seo can become friendly along with ecommerce solution only in case the upper aspects are kept in mind otherwise since seo cannot detect unpredictable words it will become impossible for your website to appear in the search result list in case a unique keyword in searched.
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