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Register Your Domain Name Properly

If you are seeking domain names for your online establishments, there are several tips on how you can register your domain name properly that you want to follow. Domain names are valuable investments you must try your best to protect, and registering them properly is the first step you can take to fully protect domain names for your online businesses.

A classic domain name registrations mistake is to ask your web designer or IT consultant to register the domain for you. Domain names are considered as intellectual property, and assigning the registration process to web designer or IT consultant handling your site development can cause some serious troubles in the future. Say you ask your web designer to domain that is actually perfect for your business; if your contract with the designer is over, and the domain name is registered using his or her name, you will have trouble renewing your designated domain name for sure. I’m sure your website is designed to be long lasting while your engagement with web designer or IT consultant developing your site may not last as long.

Always give the right personal and business information to your domain name registrar. Customers may try to check information on your domain name before making their purchase, and seeing the right personal and business information may be that last push needed for them to close the deal. It is also best to purchase alternate variations of the domain name you pick for your business; set each alternate domain names to redirect to the main site so that customers wrongfully typing your domain will still be able to reach your site.

Last but not least, register the domain for as long as possible if you have the financial ability. Most established businesses renew their domain names every ten years or so; this is actually the best practice to safeguard your investments and avoid unnecessary trouble of having to repurchase your domains just because you forget to renew them. You are reducing the risks of having your domain names acquired by other parties by opting for longer domain registration term.


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