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Correctly Launch Your Product

Properly Launch Your Product

When you think of your hobbies, do you ever consider monetizing them or how you could turn them into an income source? It is not impossible to create a product, and during its initial product launch you can reinvest sale revenue to enhance the product. I do not encourage you to create a quick product to make a few sales, design it as a stable product and add to it. The big question remains, how do you properly launch your product? There are several aspects that all fluctuate in how vital to your launch they are. Some of the steps important to your product launch are planning, placement, and outsourcing.

Planning is not an easy step and I recommend you consider, for example, would be an internet marketing consultancy. This is especially important if you have no experience with business planning. Although this is only a product launch based around your hobby, you are still going into business. One critical and very overlooked item individuals ignore is the budget during their product launch. If you subscribe to, for example, 20 various email lists to teach yourself how to do business you can expect around 140 emails per week as the average marketer normally sends once a day. If you do not force yourself to stick to your budget, you may end up spending an incredible amount of your capital on useless items that are merely sold on their hype. Another crucial step in planning is to develop a time line with realistic goals you want to implement or milestones you want certain portions of your project completed by. Regularly reviewing your time line will subconsciously hold you accountable and give you a push when you fall behind due to not adhering to your goals.

How do you launch the product you created? Start building buzz and hype around it. To do this, I recommend clients to start answering problems people are having or questions in forums that are related to their niche or product. When you keep at this long enough, individuals will start to see you as an expert in the field. On the internet, this is where you can begin developing a positive word of mouth campaign based on the experience people have with your answers. Do not answer a question with one or two-word responses, this method is where you want your knowledge to begin shining. One thing I discourage people from doing is going to a forum with the sole purpose of selling their product. This is typically not allowed in forums and you will be seen by your prospective clients as a mere nuisance.

Social media is another way to launch your product as well as develop a buzz around it. I have seen individuals have tremendous results with social media marketing. Join groups on sites such as Facebook that are relevant to your product and start building a relationship with individuals in that group. By doing that you are creating a warm market for your product launch. In the business world, a warm market is jargon for a group of people who are more likely to buy your product. After a few weeks of networking in those groups, drop the ball that you will have a product being released in the near future. Before you announce this, you should highly consider a Facebook Fan Page for a launch contest. I would give a little bit of solid information, have them visit your seo blog, and ask them to tell a friend about your page through Facebook’s “Like” system.

When creating your blog, you want it to be self hosted. This means you do not want a free blog, but it does not have to be overly expensive either. I recommend using a hosting company such as Host Gator or Just Host and I also suggest getting a domain name that is keyword based as well as memorable. In the previous paragraph I mentioned a launch contest, this is where you will give out the details on your contest, be creative and have fun with this. This is where you can also have your visitors act as if you are holding a focus group and see what they really want! The prize could be a free copy of your product if they are chosen. Another tactic you should consider implementing is creating a seo blog and utilizing plugins (numerous free plugins work wonderfully). A few plugins I recommend are the “Traffic Getting Plugin” by Jeff Johnson (you will not find it on the WordPress Plugin, it comes up if you search it though), I am also a huge fan of “All In One seo“. Previously I spoke about having people “Like” your page, WP Social is a plugin that allows you to add numerous buttons similar to the Facebook “Like” button. This plugin could have you get social bookmarks (important for search engine optimization) at numerous sites. Do not go crazy as you do not want to take away from your blog content.

If you would rather have a website instead of a blog and know nothing about code setup and the like you can outsource. I have had clients use different sources, one of which I find especially interesting. They visited a vocational high school and donated 20% of what they would have paid to a freelancer to the department! You can also place a Craigslist ad requesting help, although I am not a huge fan of Craigslist due to the difficulty of validating prior work unlike a freelancer forum. Speaking of freelancing forums, you can not only check a prospective employee’s experience and customer reviews, but also see the going rate for projects as well as posting other areas of your product launch you have no time or desire to do yourself. One thing you can outsource, and if you have little business experience, is advertising such as PPC or CPA implementation.

Joint ventures online are not seen the same as a joint venture in offline businesses. In eCommerce, many people join a joint venture and are nothing more than an affiliate or sales person. This does not take away from the value or importance of this concept. It is also easy to find people who want to sell your product. I do this by CPA networks as it is easy and you have a variety of options as far as how you want payments sent, commission tiers, analytics, and many more options. Another benefit of using a CPA network is that you can allow affiliates to advertise in various manners. An example of this is Max Bounty sends an email with new campaigns and what forms of advertising is allowed such as PPC, email, contextual advertising, etc. Unlike digital marketplaces such as ClickBank you can also set whatever payment you want.

Many product launches online have pretty huge launch contests based on gaining leads and making sales. Many product launches also offer astronomical amount of dollars or high-end prizes such as iPads and iPhones. For your launch contest you can literally do anything you want as long as it is legal. I recommend a month-long launch contest and have a mini contest every week. I am also a fan of bonuses from the product creator or owner with a sincere personal email or phone call thanking them for their efforts.

In the end, seeking approval from a consultant may be worth a small investment even if they only go over your plans and give you their thoughts.. This is your product and you should have as much fun with it as you can. Make this an experience where you would want to do it again!

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