![How to Increase Conversions With New Tiny Script Exit Splash!](https://mohamedelbedewy.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/How-to-Increase-Conversions-With-New-Tiny-Script-Exit-Splash-jpg-thegem-blog-default.webp)
How to Increase Conversions With New Tiny Script Exit Splash!
The code man has done it again! Dave Guindon of course. His brand new project and money maker is ExitSplash new exit technology that makes you money!
It is very important to monetize your website as much as possible because once that online visitor leaves he/she may never come back to your site. There has been in the past and still being used popups of all kinds to capture your attention. But things are getting better all the time…
Let me explain what this does when a web visitors comes to your website and leaves your site a exit splash window will come out looks something like this:
W A I T B E F O R E Y O U G O !
This is just the default window you can change it to anything you want. But it gets better you can add images on the top and audio to help your conversions even more.
I talked to Dave and he allowed me to try his new product out. I was just blown away by the power of this powerful script. Yes that all it is one script file. That is only one of the script files there is three in all. There is a exit splash
generator, viral twiiter box generator and a suggest box generator.I did a test drive on the exit splash generator and put up an exit html page for a special discount page on one of my sites. I used all the effects to get the most impact from the system as I could.
For example I used the exit impact alert message option, exit impact image option and the exit impact audio option.I sent my visitors to a special discount offer to get one of my eBooks for $10 off my regular price
In just 3 days I have sold over 18 eBooks. I could not believe the power in this incredible script it has made me more money in just 3 days from being on my site! Where all those visitors leaving I would never had seen or heard from them again in most cases let alone make money from them.
So encourage you to someway or anther make good on capturing those website visitors leaving your site. Exit Splash can help I stand behind it 100%
I was so existed by this and results that I got that I wanted to write up an article and share with as many people as I could. So get out there and stop those web visitors from leaving your site!
#Increase #Conversions #Tiny #Script #Exit #Splash
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