It can sound like people are speaking a foreign language when you hear all the different words like tweet, tweeting, follow Friday, hash tag, and direct message. Twitter has grown to be a huge social media tool. Even CNN has a “Twitter Board.”
Twitter is a great social media tool and it can be your most valuable marketing tool if you use it right. You can reach many targeted users and share your knowledge while attracting them to your coaching business. This article will cover the basics of Twitter and how you can use it as a marketing tool to grow your coaching business.
Twitter is a micro-blogging network. You can post brief 140 character messages on Twitter. This makes you become a great copy writer because you must get down to the core elements of every thought if you have to get your point across in 140 characters or less.
On twitter you have followers and you follow people. The first challenge is figuring out who you want to follow. I suggest finding a few leaders in your target niche and following them. The next step is to go to their page and see how many other people are following them. It is very likely that a successful thought leader in your niche will have thousands of followers so you can begin by following the people that are following the thought leader. Soon the people you have followed will follow you back and your list of followers who have an interest in your target coaching niche will begin to grow.
Perfect Your Profile
Make certain that your profile is set up to attract potential coaching clients and direct them to your blog or website. Your profile on Twitter is a crucial part of building your reputation and your business so you want to be very deliberate about what you include in your Twitter profile.
Always include a photograph. This is social media and people want to know what you look like so they can get to know you. Make sure that your photograph is professional and that you look happy and open to others. I see too many photos that look like a mug shot rather than an invitation.
Make sure your profile includes your unique selling proposing or branding statement. Include an offer and where someone can take you up on your offer. Send them to your opt-in page so they can get whatever you are offering and you can get their name and email address.
There are many places that you can find interesting Twitter backgrounds that allow you to promote your business and provide information as a part of the background. Just search for Twitter backgrounds and you will find many resources.
Like any group Twitter has its own language so I want to give you a few terms and definitions used on Twitter. Tweet is a message on Twitter. You can also suggest people for others to follow and Friday is the traditional day to suggest people for others to follow. Twitter users call this “follow Friday” and use a hash tag or pound symbol to classify a follow Friday tweet. When you see #FF or #followfriday you will know that that is a way of placing that message in a specific group.
Suggesting that people follow others is a great way to gain rapport with Twitter people and it is a great way to spread your message virally. Another tradition on Twitter is to re-tweet a post that you think is especially good. You do this by using the persons Twitter name and typing RT in front of their Tweet. Re-tweeting will quickly win you fans on Twitter.
Try to tweet your own original content rather than constantly tweeting quotes from others because you are promoting you and your business. An occasional quote is fine but not too many.
Twitter is also a wonderful resource for doing research in your target coaching niche. You can ask questions and ask for opinions on Twitter and get instant feedback.
There is literally hundreds of Twitter applications that do all sorts of thing here are a few. allows you to schedule tweets for the future. helps you look at who is following you and who is not. does all sorts different things. If you Google Twitter applications you will find many. I have to wonder if you need an application to deal with your Twitter account then are you spending too much time on Twitter and not enough time producing income.
#Coaching #Clients #Twitter
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Post byBedewy for info askme VISIT GAHZLY