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Gardening In Southern California

Gardening In Southern California

Due to the low rainfall in Southern California, the soil can be far from ideal, depending on what type of plant you are trying to grow. The climate, soil conditions, and water conditions determine how successful your gardening plants will grow.

Nature alone will not sustain your plants in Southern California. So one needs to find unnatural sources and methods in order to grow a beautiful garden in the dry conditions of the south.

There are different climate zones in Southern California. So, soil conditions will be different for each zone. For instance, in some areas the soil will be heavy clay known as “Adobe”. This is extremely difficult to dig when dry but when the rain comes it takes on a much more doughy consistency which will stick to your gardening utensils.

The fact that there is little rain makes the soil very alkaline. This is a problem gardeners in eastern and northern states do not have. This problem can be overcome by adding compost, leaves and other organic material.

Obviously because of the low level of natural rain water the soil needs to be irrigated. There are many systems both online and offline that you can find to meet this purpose. In adding the water you are in a catch 22 because the water in Southern California tends to be very acidic. So, it is a case of making sure to add that compost, as mentioned above.

If your water splinkler is fitted with a water budget adjustment feature you can change the water distribution from day to day to meet the changing weather conditions.

Some plants native to Southern Califronia include California fuchsia (Zauschneria californica), California horse chestnut (Aesculus californica), California redbud (Cercis occidentalis), California poppy (Eschscholzia californica).

Southern California, is by no means unique in it’s inability to grow plants naturally. Many areas of the world are unable to grow all sorts of plants and flowers. Since when did weather conditions stop man doing something he was passionate about?

The means and wares are there in Southern California. Depends how how great your passion if for a beautiful garden and plants.

#Gardening #Southern #California

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