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Essential Elements Banners Must-Have

As you walk down your street, drive around your neighborhood, ride on a train or bus through your city, you have probably noticed dozens of advertisements on banners along your way. Some banners might catch your attention and some were way too easy to ignore. If you want to create a successful and eye-catching banner sign for your business or company then there are a few things you need to consider. If banner ad is not that striking then why would other people pay attention to it, right?

One of the essential aspects in creating a successful banner is determining the right size for it. Think about the area where you want to put your banner. If the banner goes in a high location then you definitely need a bigger one. If it’s going to be in a train or bus station then choose the size that is right and readable.

The color is another element to consider as well. Do not experiment with different colors especially if you don’t have any experience in designing and combining colors. Ask a professional designer and layout artist to help you. Colors carry emotional value and some colors turn people off to any product or service.

The font is also important; choose the proper one that can be easily read wherever the banner is hung up. Pick a font that matches the message you want to convey. If you are trying to get across a feeling of energy and fun, choose a font that feels that way. Likewise, if you have a firm and serious message, don’t pick a cartoony or silly looking font.

Another element to consider is the image, brand or logo of your business or company. Resize the image to make sure that the details are readable and eye-catching and work well with the message on the banner.

Lastly but most importantly is the text of your banners. Don’t put a lot of details and extra words which actually are not necessary at all. Don’t try to cram in too much. Just make your message straight and to the point. Put in the essential marketing message and a way for your potential customers to contact or find you. Make sure your message is clear. If you are advertising with your banner offsite from your business address, make sure to put your phone number or address.

If you take into consideration the must-have elements listed above, then your banner or banner advertisement campaign should be a grand success.


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