How to Lower the Bounce Rate of Your Site
If you’ve set up your Google Analytics account you may have noticed that percentage count that says “Bounce Rate.” Now you might probably think that Google pays no attention to this and it’s just another number, well it’s not!
According to Google Analytics Help, Bounce Rate is the percentage of single-page visits or visits in which the person left your site from the entrance (landing) page. Use this metric to measure visit quality – a high bounce rate generally indicates that site entrance pages aren’t relevant to your visitors. The more compelling your landing pages, the more visitors will stay on your site and convert. You can minimize bounce rates by tailoring landing pages to each keyword and ad that you run. Landing pages should provide the information and services that were promised in the ad copy.
To put it briefly, you need to keep visitors to visit more pages within your site. This is to prevent your website analytic to rise.
Why is it important to keep it to a bare minimum?
With the recent updates the Google has been putting into their algorithms, they consider bounce rate in grading a website. If your bounce rate is high, it can mean a number of negative things which may include:
- unappealing design
- boring content
- spam looking website
Here are some tips for you to reduce bounce rate so that your website won’t be flagged as spam or sanctioned by Google’s search algorithms:
- Make quality content
If you’re planning on doing content a la Twitter (with 140 characters or less) then expect your bounce rate to rise any time soon. Make sure you write compelling content with good spelling and near perfect grammar.
- Interlink within your site
If your website is powered by WordPress then this is going to be far easier. WordPress has a built in plug-in that allows you to link within the pages of your website. Also make sure that you check the “always open in new tab” check box. That way, your visitors have two tabs open within your site, making Google think that your visitors are real visitors and not some automated program clicking links.
- Compact design
Unless your website is Tumblr or 9GAG then it’s best to make your website’s design as compact as possible. Generally, people hate to scroll down; that’s just who we are. Make your design as pleasing to the eye as possible without letting your visitors scroll down so much.
- Only post backlinks to relevant sites
If you’re going on link building then make sure to only post to relevant sites as with your website. This is to get your visitors to engage with your website and most importantly with your business. If not, Google’s algorithms can catch up to what you’re doing and, again, sanction you for that.
Point is that you need to get and implement only white hat seo practices in order for your site to get on the good side of Google. So if it’s for your lead generation then it’s best that you do this ASAP. No matter what your business may be, may it be you’re in the food industry, IT, or handling a business call center, then it’s no question that you need to lower down your website’s bounce rate.
#Bounce #Rate #Site
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