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Can You Truly Reduce Your Electricity Bills Without Using Solar Or Wind Power?

The economic downturn over the past year or so has ensured that lots of people are seriously looking for ways and means on how to save money on their electric and energy bills. Some are struggling so badly and a percentage are in ‘fuel poverty’ that they are having to take drastic changes in their lifestyles. Most are trying to restrict their usage of water heaters, kettles, ovens, TV’s, the list goes on. They are trying everything they can to save money on electric bills and rally no-one can blame them. There is the very real danger of losing your job (I have just been made redundant again), in tandem with ever-increasing bills and stealth taxes. Many people have now come to realise that in order to get through this financial downturn, they may need to cut back on their entire lifestyle, including their domestic energy usage.

Below are just some ways you can save money on your electric bill:-

* Replace all of your normal light bulbs with energy-saving type. The price of these items has reduced and are not so prohibitive.

* If you are going out for a while, e.g. to work or a day out shopping, turn off ALL electric items – except for security lighting or alarms. This action definitely reduces the amount of electricity you will use, especially if you are out at work most of the day. A considerable saving can be made by this action alone

* Ensure your home has adequate insulation, including seals around windows and doors.

* If you shower more regularly than normal, install restricted flow shower heads – these reduce the amount of water flow but mimic the effect of a regular shower head with increased localised water pressure.

There are thousands of tips on how you can reduce your electricity usage and the above tips may can be help and if you practice them all for a whole month a good saving can be made.

* But what if you could reduce your electricity bills by at least 50%?

* Is there anything currently available that would achieve this saving month in, month out?

* What if you could fully power your home for FREE?

* What if you could get your own back on the energy companies and install something they know about but won’t tell you about?

One way to efficiently reduce your electricity usage is to install a magnetic power generator in your home which is basically a FREE energy generator. To be non-technical, it simply uses magnets and magnetic force to induce perpetual motion, running by itself indefinitely without stopping. This creates FREE electrical energy, which can fully power your home for FREE and it doesn’t need further energy to power it.

The main benefits are that you can generate completely FREE ELECTRICAL ENERGY – it works in every home, requires a small amount of space and you can reduce your electricity bill by half or even totally. There again, is there a heavy investment for something like this? It takes LESS than $100 to implement.

This is FACT, and many people are implementing a system like this NOW to say NO to yet another extortionate raise in electricity prices before another ‘freezing’ winter.


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