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The Should-Have Record You Completely Want For Beauty Surgical procedure Restoration For Facelifts and Extra!

The Must-Have List You Absolutely Need For Cosmetic Surgery Recovery For Facelifts and More!

Recovering from Your Facelift Surgery

You’re prepared to have your deep plane or SMAS facelift done. You’ve already put down your deposit, or prepared to pay for the surgery in cash, but what about your aftercare? While it’s true that you’ll be able to resume most normal activity sooner than you know it, you’ll still be advised to stay at home while you heal – especially after the first week or two when all the pain and bruising rear their ugly heads.

Your doctor will provide you very specific post-op instructions for your medical care after facelift surgery. Part of your recovery may require eating light foods (mostly liquid) the first few days and keeping your head elevated at all times, even during sleep. Straining yourself will be prohibited and you’ll need to take pain medications as prescribed in order to improve your comfort as you heal. Of course, you’ll also want to remember to take off an adequate amount of time from work for recovery.

What your cosmetic surgeon may not tell you is that you should treat your cosmetic facelift recovery in almost the same manner you would a broken appendage and tread lightly. Since you will be in a lot of pain and not looking your very best, you’ll want to pick up as much of your basic needs and then some prior to surgery so that you’ll be as comfortable as possible in recovery, downsizing the need to leave your house as much as possible. Here are some things to purchase for your recovery from facelift surgery:

  • Mouthwash to keep your mouth as clean as possible. As icky as it sounds, you will not be able to stretch your mouth wide enough to accommodate a toothbrush, no matter how stringent your oral hygiene is.
  • Hypoallergenic skin care products formulated for sensitive and dry skin. Ask your plastic surgeon which brands he recommends to his patients following facial surgery.
  • Stool softeners and laxatives to combat the stool-hardening and constipating effects of painkillers.
  • An over the counter sleeping aid like Melatonin is valuable to the healing process as you need sleep and rest for the best possible healing.
  • Pillows to elevate your head and provide lots of comfort, cushion and support. Having pillows to rest under your knees and buttocks is also recommended.
  • Gentle creams, including Vaseline, sunblock and antibiotic creams for your incision sites. Load up on a good lip balm to keep your lips soft and moisturized.
  • Soft foods and juice for your consumption. This includes pureed fruit (baby food, anyone?), water, protein shakes and more. Speak with your plastic surgeon for specifics.
  • Large bags of frozen vegetables (peas are preferred) and several cold packs to soothe aching areas. The reason it’s important to have many is that you might find that you have to use several at a time in order to truly relax and enjoy your recovery. Most packs need to be switched out every 20 minutes.
  • A speakerphone or cell phone with speaker options to stay in contact with family members and your board certified plastic surgeon when he or she calls to check up on you.
  • Flexible drinking straws to enjoy your soft food and drinks more easily (especially since you want to move your face as little as possible).
  • Handheld showerhead to reach all the important areas while you shower. Purchasing a shower stool to sit while you shower would be helpful as well.
  • Lubricating eye treatments such as eye drops will add moisture to drying eyes after surgery. The drops help you blink and make your eyes feel wonderful.
  • All of your prescription painkillers and medications on hand before you get home. What’s the use of waiting until you’re in pain to pick them up from the pharmacy?
  • Homeopathic remedies for pain and scars that won’t interact negatively with your medication. They can help with bruising and help you strengthen your body as you heal from facelift surgery.

#MustHave #List #Absolutely #Cosmetic #Surgery #Recovery #Facelifts

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