How Is Ruby on Rails a Powerful Platform for Hosting?
Formed in 2003 by David Heinemeier Hansson, Rails is supported by a vivacious ecosystem. Ruby on Rails refers to a web application framework inscribed in Ruby and was created in 2004 by David. It facilitates the speedy development of strong web applications, catering to the worries of many people who were spending more time on the syntax of a specific language and less time on the development of the actual content of their web application. Ruby on Rails enable its users to write less code and execute more in less time.
Due to its integrated AJAX functions and object-oriented database handling, some organisations are reluctant to opt for this unique platform. However, once installed, it does wonders for a developer in writing neater codes, segmented workflow and focusing on the execution of newer ideas to get the job done speedily. It enables you to write your own Web 2.0 application more robustly and in much lesser time as compared to any other language. Many people are today busting out with new plug-ins like Google Maps API for Rail. Coding in Ruby with the Rails framework has never been so joyful and effective.
If you have decided to run a Rails app, you must go with a web hosting provider that also offers the following features:
Shell/SSH Access– This is utterly essential to get to the command line, to effectuate Ruby on Rails for your web hosting.
FastCGI, SCGI and/or Mongrel Support– Rails can be a bit slow on CGI alone, so look for the feature of FastCGI, SCGI and Mongrel Support in your hosting plan.
Updates for Ruby and Rails– The web hosting provider should have the latest Ruby and Rails releases updated in their servers, to avoid any serious security issue.
Documentation for Rails– Your email support function should also have Rails documentation for viewing by your clients.
Options for Expansion– Your web hosting plans should have the option to expand your plans to meet your future needs if your app gets bigger. For instance, will your web hosting provider setup a good Rails stack for you on your server, or if they will help you in the creation of a multi-server Rails environment, when required?
MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite Databases– These options are quite handy when you are developing apps that are designed for one or the other.
Subversion, Trac and/or Buzilla Hosting– These apps proves that the company supports web developers.
A Website or Applications of Their Own Developed with Rails– Last but not the least, this option is certainly a good sign to know about the seriousness of the use of this framework in a production environment.
#Ruby #Rails #Powerful #Platform #Hosting
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