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Good Key phrases Make Shopaholics

Good Keywords Make Shopaholics

Successful stores need shopaholics, not window shoppers. It is the fashion bugs that stuff bank accounts, not the banal browsers. Every brick-and-mortar store knows this rule, but many online businesses forget this fact in the fevered frenzy of Internet marketing. Their ambiguous keywords and chaotic content may attract window shoppers, but loyal customers are few and far between. What is the secret? How to find good keywords?

In marketing vernacular, good keywords are targeted phrases designed to acquire potential customers likely to convert to a call to action – aka, good keywords attract visitors likely to enjoy the website and follow up.

Good Keyword Strategies & Tactics

Unfortunately, good keywords, like spouses, are hard to find. But what makes a keyword good? Before beginning an exhausting trek to track down good keywords, a business must identify the goal of the keyword. Goals may include selling a service, boosting website traffic, increasing conversion rates or acquiring new blog visitors. Choice of keywords depends upon choice of goal.

Should a keyword be generic or specific? Generic keywords are likely to attract more visitors but lower conversion rates and SERP rankings, while specific keywords will receive fewer hits but attract more focused visitors. Ambiguous keyword phrases tend to be short tail, with only a few terms, while targeted phrases contain many terms, called long tail. Most seo experts “ladder” their good keywords by identifying an ideal future keyword, a generic goal phrase, and an immediate specific keyword.

Most marketers use keyword analytic services to take the mammoth amount of amassed information and separate it into easily digestible morsels. Web analytic services can rate time spent per page, point of entry and exit, demographic and geographic trends, number of searches per keyword, and more.

Warning & Caution

Many webmasters throw caution to the wind and rampage about grabbing a term here, a short-tail phrase here and specific long-tail phrase there. Good keywords should have a consistent theme and should attract a certain calibre of customer.

The late 1990s suffered from a viral Internet pandemic of keyword stuffing. Writers crammed keyword after keyword into blocks of text, and search engine algorithms were victims of a bad case of information overload. Now, search engine algorithms punish keyword spamming, so no keyword phrase should be more than 8% of the total page content, and 2-5% is the optimum range.

Window-shopping is fun to the customer, but worthless to the seller. Hit-and-run visitors do not result in sales; it’s the shopaholics that make budgets. Good keywords make good customers.

#Good #Keywords #Shopaholics

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