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What is Webhosting? – Webhosting Defined

What is Web Hosting? - Web Hosting Defined

If you look for the term ‘good web hosting plans’ on search engines, over one million sites are listed for selection. Upon closer scrutiny, most of them provide the same service as the next one, only at a different price. How does a person who is new to hosting services decide which one is the best? The terminology used by the service providers can be confusing and therefore, here is a list of words that we are going to define and these words are used in relation to web hosting. The words are web hosting, Linux server, unlimited disk space, and unlimited bandwidth.

Web hosting, is a term undefined by many. Basically, it is a computer that stores your website files. It contains pictures, tests, and various other codes necessary to run a website. The server is accessible by other people and stores website files of others. In direct contrast, your personal computer is inaccessible to other people, and does not store anyone else files but yours.

Linux server can be compared to Windows XP or Windows Vista; it works along the same line as the operating system in your computer. Windows XP and Windows Vista are the normal operating systems in personal computers. There are some advanced level users who do use Linux in their personal computer, but normally Linux is operated as a host server. Linux has much more security than other operating systems. It requires the user to give permission for every single command given. Linux works like an antivirus. Linux hosting is known for its safety, and any hosting service provider that uses Linux, is assured of the safety of their hosting service.

You are not limited in any way in the number of files you can have if you are offered unlimited disk space.

When unlimited bandwidth is stated it is stating that virtually an infinite number of visitors can visit your site at the same time.

All hosting services will use the terms above, so it is smart to be familiar with them. The most important service of a web hosting service provider is that they provide excellent customer service. We hope now, when you are trying to select the best web hosting service for you, you are familiar with the new terms, understand them, and know what services are being offered.

linux dedicated hosting
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