Before switching over to prepaid electricity you will need to understand exactly how it works. One of the questions you need answered is “What is Unipin electricity?” Understanding the intricacies of how prepaid electricity actually works will be extremely beneficial for you in the long run.
The first aspect that you need to know about is Unipin electricity. Unipin is a private company that issues tokens for prepaid electricity meters. Due to their wide set reach they are the number one choice for many companies that are selling prepaid meters. The tokens that are used, will top up the meter so that you can get electricity to your building. In order for you to get Unipin electricity you will have to make sure that your municipality or service provider are aligned with them. The next step is to get your actual token so that you can get the electricity. With Unipin this is a simple process, as their tokens are sold at a number of different outlets. Once you have bought your token you will simply need to dial *120*41589*Voucherpin*meternumber. Your voucher pin is the 9 digit number that you will see once you have purchased the token. The meter number is the 11 digit number that you were issued with once you installed your meter. Once you have gone through this process you will be given a 20 digit voucher number to enter into your meter to credit you with electricity. It is as simple as that.
Now that you understand what Unipin is and how to purchase it, you will want to know about the benefits of prepaid. If you haven’t already switched over to prepaid electricity than you certainly need to. Firstly, you will be able to control how much money you spend on your electricity. There have been many occasions where your bill does not necessarily reflect the right amount. This is often due to a mistake but if you do not pay it, your electricity will be turned off, then you have to wait for months to try and rectify the situation and get your money back. With prepaid electricity you are in charge of how much money you credit your account with every month. There is no middle man, except the company you bought the meter from and the service provide you purchase from. However, this service provider will not tell you how much to pay. The other benefit is how many different ways in which you can pay for the electricity, you can:
· Buy online
· Buy at a store (as previously mentioned)
· Create a debit order
No matter how you decide to pay, you need to switch to prepaid electricity sooner rather than later, if you want to save money and be in more control.
Source by Kenneth Nel