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What Is The Distinction Between An RSVP And Regrets-Solely?

What Is The Difference Between An RSVP And Regrets-Only?

As the use of Regrets-Only becomes more popular, there are still a number of people that have not been exposed to the wording, how the process works or what it means in general. Most people are still accustomed to RSVP. Both terms serve the purpose of letting a host know how to prepare for the number of guests in two very different ways.

RSVP is a French word meaning Repondez Sil Vous Plait that translates into please respond in English. The purpose of an RSVP is to have invited guests inform the host if they are attending the function or not. This process is a means to capture how many guests a host can expect, allowing preparations for food, beverage, seating and entertainment to name a few. Without an RSVP a host would be planning their party blind and could potentially end up with too little or too much of the items mentioned above, greatly affecting the guests’ experience. A host never wants to run out of anything because they are not prepared and a guest never wants to arrive and have nothing to sip, nibble upon or have a seat. A compliment to the host would be if everything is devoured because it was delicious and presented beautifully, not because too many people showed up for the amount provided. As you can see it is very important for guests to respond to an RSVP, as it actually benefits them in the long run.

Regrets-Only, usually found in the location of the RSVP on invites, means the guests should only contact the host to inform them that they regretfully cannot attend the event in which they were invited. Using Regrets-Only is a method when a host decides to plan an event as if everyone is attending. All preparations for the function are specific to the total number of guests the hosts has invited. In my opinion, this allows a certain level of freedom, as you can simply prepare without waiting for RSVP’s if you chose to. Most hosts that choose this method are comfortable with the number of guests they have decided to invite whether they receive any declines to the invite or not.

Both methods do and should require a date and time for guests to respond by so the host knows what to expect as far as number of guests. A phone number, email or some form of contact should also be listed to allow the guests to respond in-kind.

As mentioned before, this process is as much for the guests as it is for the host. Moving forward the next RSVP or Regrets-Only you receive you should definitely respond.

#Difference #RSVP #RegretsOnly

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