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Webinars on Acme Individuals Look – Exactly How YOU Profit

Webinars on Acme People Search -  How YOU Benefit

Hello Everyone!,

I took the time to attend Tissa Godavitatne’s free webinars for Acme People Search Engine Affiliate Program this week (On Thursday and Saturday 12 AM Singapore time!). As a practicing IT Manager in Singapore, working into the wee hours was not an issue :-). I made up a list of things I wanted to clarify from Tissa and was looking forward to my first 2 webinars with the man on Thursday and Friday night.

Did Tissa blow us away or what!!

Tissa answered every one of the concerns that was thrown at him,be it on the Acme People Search Engine Or Global Domains International.Many affiliates shared their success (or failure) with the Acme People Search and GDI.

Here is a recall of the Q & A we had with Tissa Godavitarne.

Adrian’s Question : How does the the Acme People Search Engine make money for you?

Tissa Answered : By referrals and product sales!

There are seven streams of income in your back office.You can earn from sales of digital products from Clickbank, HD Publishing, MyLife and Google AdSense as well as affiliate commissions.

You earn referral fees for recruiting affiliates for Lunar Pages,GDI and the Acme people search engine itself. In summary you will earn from MyLife, Google AdSense, HD Publishing, GDI,Lunar pages, Clickbank and of course referral fees to the Search engine.

Adrian’s Question : What is this “business opportunity” you keep talking about?

Tissa Answered : The option of joining Global Domains International which gives you web hosting, a free website builder, a domain name, and 10 email addresses.

Joining GDI gives you the chance to earn a residual income with their referral program that runs 5 levels deep. The Acme people search engine builds your GDI downline for you!

Adrian’s Question : How do you drive traffic to your Acme people search engine presell and landing pages?

Tissa Answered : Paid (PPC highly recommended) and Free web traffic!

Yahoo! Search Marketing,Microsoft AdCenter and Google AdWords are the main sources for paid traffic. If you want to realise your full earnings potential then you must learn PPC.

However If you’re just starting out the following FREE sources of TARGETED traffic is recommended.

– Article Submission :- Squidoo lenses,Ezine Articles, and Blogs

– Video Submission : – Upload your video demo’s to Metacafe, Google Video and YouTube

– Social Networking marketing :- Facebook, Myspace LinkedIn and Twitter,

– Email Campaigns :- Autoresponders from Aweber and GetResponse do a great job and dont spam!

Free traffic sources NOT recommended

– Text ad placements.

– List builders

– Email blasters

– Safe lists

The traffic you get from the above sources are not targeted AND you can be blacklisted for spamming. By all means use them if you are experienced (You still undertake the risk of a spamming complaint), but NOT if you are just starting out

Adrian’s Question : What’s your take on Search Engine Optimization?

Tissa Answered : A Search result in Google is split into 2 types. ie Organic and Sponsored results.The former contains a listing of indexed websites arranged in order of relevance, content, back links, keyword quality, and Page rank. seo is the process of optimizing your website to be displayed very high for a given keyword, Ideally on the first page of a Google search!. It is a different ball game altogether. You must learn PPC in order to drive traffic to your Acme People Search Engine and Presell pages.

Thank You Tissa!

Each Webinar was supposed to be of ONE hour duration but they stretched close to the two hour mark on both occasions! This guy must be nuts to pay for that much of bandwidth,but hey he WANTS us to succeed remember?

This is the type of product support I expect only from a paid membership program, but here is Tissa offering it to all for free!.

There were so many gems shared by the other attendees in addition to Tissa, all with the intention of helping one another SUCCEED as an Acme People Search Affiliate and GDI affiliate.

In a nutshell these are the points that grabbed my attention

– Tissa’s Secret GDI sign up sauce

– Why you get ‘Google slapped’ and how to avoid it

– Acme People Search Engine Affiliates on the current GDI Leader board!

– Why Craigs list should NOT be used to advertise.

– How an Affiliate is using Traffic Gieser to drive tons of targeted traffic to his blog with video marketing.

– Success stories of Newbies making money online in their first WEEK of promoting the Acme people Search engine.(This is not including the $125 commission Tissa gives you when you sign up)

– What benefits the system brings when embedded with GDI to to work from home mom.

And so much more!

This is a perfect opportunity for those of you want to use the Acme people Search engine for free to address your concerns about the product. You get to talk to the product owner who pays for your bandwidth so that you can speak up!

So Folks, that’s it from me for now. I will continue posting the results my interaction with the man in the next webinar. Right now, I cannot wait to apply what I learned and get me some more mooolah! With the Acme People search Engine!

Take care and have a great weekend!

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#Webinars #Acme #People #Search #Benefit

Post byBedewy for info askme VISIT GAHZLY

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