Today we see lot’s of concern over Bandwidth and Data Transfer cost’s. There have even been suggestions from certain ISP providers of charging by the Gig for Bandwidth. These cost’s sometimes end up getting floated over in the purchase of Web Hosting Plans. This should be the last place that we see these types of increases on the usage of Bandwidth. Most often, We are already paying to much for these types of Hosting Plans.
What are you paying for your Web Site Hosting Plan?
If your on a Shared Hosting Plan or shopping for one, Bandwidth and the use of a Domain name can be two of your biggest worries. Most Hosting plans out there today only come with 2GB of Bandwidth and then they charge you so much for any amount over.
This simply is not right!
You shouldn’t have to pay more money for more Bandwidth. The Web Hosting Provider that you have chosen in this instance is ripping you off my friend. If you’re not getting Free Unlimited Bandwidth and Data Transfers and Free Unlimited Domains for life. You’re not with the right Web Hosting Company.
Seriously, What is your Web Hosting Provider doing for you as there Customer? Nine times out of ten, Not enough.
Are you going to continue to stay with the provider that’s ripping you off? Don’t settle for second best with your lively hood, This is you Business were talking about. Be sure your getting what you deserve, Be sure you have all of the Bandwidth you need.
This is your solution: For all of these reasons I recommend the Web Hosting Providers in my links. Price, Value, And most of all Customer Service.