
The Renaissance, Platonic Love and the Nous of Anaxagoras

Was there ever just a single god concept in pagan Classical Greek life science and if so, what might we…

Renaissance Science, Registered 21st Century Rebirth Document

This essay is the birth certificate of the 21st Century Renaissance. It shows how the life-science of the Classical Greek…

Renaissance Science and The Electromagnetic Technology of Platonic Love.

The Fullerene Chemistry life-science of the three 1996 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry was based upon the synergistic engineering principles of…

New Renaissance Technology and the Fate of Homo Entropicus

The problems facing human survival can be solved. The fossil record of the humanoid sphenoid bone, tells us that each…

Human Survival Timeline to the 21st Century Renaissance

The following article stresses the importance of the fact that the Times Literary Supplement included Sir C P Snow’s book,…