business suite

Parkinson’s Law and the Peter Principle: Understanding Business and Politics Using Business Axioms

What business axiom or management principle have you discovered to help you live better, work smarter, or to understand organizations…

Dynamic Job Analysis

It seems that every time two or more training types get together, the words job/task analysis are eventually spoken. With…

Shortcut Your Product Development Process

If you’re in the business of changing your ideas into profitable products, you know it can be a lot of…

Desktop Management System

Manufacturers who sell desktop management systems are promoting what is known as desktop management suites (DTMS). They offer a full…

How to Do Research for the Award of a PhD Degree in Management Studies?

The Main goals of Ph.D. research The evaluators check for the certain important outcomes of the research for Ph.D. (a)The…

Web Development and Website Creation Are Indispensable For Your Business

Before you even begin to contemplate monetizing a website, you have to determine what the website is for and how…

6 Primary Causes For Import Export Business Failures

If you want to open up your potential earnings market and live the life you have always dreamed of, then…

Approaching Communication to Deliver Business Objectives

Internal communication in South Africa finds itself at a turning point that of a shift towards a strategic rather than…

Operational Effectiveness – Another Way of Looking at Performance

Many organizations measure the performance of the organization on efficiency. The field of cost accounting is built around these concepts…

Strengths – The First Step in Your SWOT Analysis

Here are the 4 steps to your analysis plan. Can you guess the first step in your competitive analysis? Strengths?…

7 Most Common Behaviors That Derail Your Import Export Business

Many people are quick to point out the difficulties of starting your own business. A favorite statistic of the naysayers…

ESL Exams –  a Teacher’s Guide

It’s the end of another class, and one student has stayed behind. No problem, you think, maybe an easy grammar…