Step by Step to a Successful Website
Brainstorm: Think of the type of site you want to create and the site name. Your site name should be catchy, easy to remember and relevant to the content of the site.
Buy the domain name and hosting: You need to buy a domain name that matches your site name (makes sense right?). this part can be frustrating as your idea for a name may already be taken. Search for alternatives or hyphenate it or go with an alternate suffix like “.org, .net, or .us”
Even though it maybe cheaper to go somewhere else for hosting, buy the hosting from the same company you bought the domain from. It’s just easier that way and tech support will be able to help you out more since they can access all aspects of your account (if you need them)
Work on the design and layout of your site: Even though content is the most important factor to the success of your site, you need to be able to lure visitors in. if you have a clean and appealing site, then visitors will stay longer on your site. Another important thing about layout is here you will decide how all your content will be organized for accessibility.
Add content: This is where you wordsmith skills come out. Write, add pictures add whatever content you can think of that is relevant to your site. Organize the information in the view of the visitor
seo your site: Search Engine Optimization is where you configure your site to be friendly to search engine results. This will make you rank hire on certain search results. The goal should be to listed on the first page on certain searched keywords.
Test your site:. Check for bugs and loop holes in your site. Look for spelling mistakes, broken links etc. you don’t want to discredit you site from the start.
Add a Trend Analyzer:. By adding this feature you can see where your visitors are coming from, where they are located physically , how long they stay on your site, and what information do they look for. This can be very useful information when you decide to sell ad space on your site and you can then prove to your advertiziers the traffic you get to your site.
Submit to Search Engines, Advertise, Link exchange, One-way links: Submit your site to be crawled by search engines. Do a search for submit site or suggest a site and submit your site to those results. This part is extremely important as you want people to find you through the search engine.
Advertise your site to search engine results like Google. This is the quickest way to get traffic to your site. go to to start a campaign
Link Exchange can be very tedious. Look for sites to swap links with. You can even find sites that act like middleman where you can meet other people who want to swap links. Just do a search for link exchange. Be careful of who you do link exchanges with. Avoid: porn, gambling, and racial/hate sites.
A one-way link program is where you pay a monthly fee and you get a bunch of links pointing to your site. This can be a great way to increase the popularity of your site. However, try to check the quality of the links. Some programs have been listed a “link farms” and their links will not count towards your Page Rank in Google. If you can buy a one-way link from a high PR then do it.
seo your site:. You have to tweak and configure your site so that it is optimized for search results. As you gain more traffic you will understand the type of visitors and what they are looking for. seo it so you can rank higher on specific keywords. This is where your Trend Analyzer shines.
Continue to: Test you site for broken links, add content on a regular basis, look for methods to increase traffic for your site, get incoming links, etc.
Make improvements to your site: Look for ways to keep your visitors intrested in your site. add new features, offer new products.
Your site can never be finished. You have to continuously make improvements and make your visitors experience unique. Look for feedback from your visitors and add content relevant to your site.
buy a domain name
#Step #Step #Successful #Website
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