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Squeeze Theme Review – The Ultimate WordPress Theme For Building Your Email List

Squeeze Theme is a new WordPress theme that is designed specifically to generate squeeze pages. You can select it as your theme of choice for any of your WordPress blogs and create squeeze pages using any of the four, well tested, squeeze page templates. You can use Squeeze Theme to create standalone squeeze pages, but it’s also flexible enough to be used as a full featured blog. The theme was designed by Unique Blog Designs, who are well known for designing Affiliate Theme, another popular WordPress theme for affiliate marketers.

Squeeze pages are a page on a website or blog that are specifically designed to collect a visitors email address. As an incentive to do so, a squeeze page will often offer something in exchange, such as a free ebook, special offer, or some other worthwhile free content. Once you’ve collected that person’s email, you can market other products or upsells to that person. Since your new subscriber is in your target demographic, you will definitely see an increase in your conversion rates when emailing them about related offers. Email marketing is one of the most lucrative ways to make money on the internet, and it is important that you learn how to create your own squeeze pages for collecting emails.

Squeeze Theme is mainly aimed at users who don’t have the design skills themselves to create their own squeeze pages. Everything about the theme can be customized within the Squeeze Theme control panel. That means you don’t need to mess with any html/css or php. If any of this is confusing, the theme comes with plenty of great support. On the support site, you will find videos that have step by step instructions on how to get you up and running. If that still doesn’t help, you can also post on the Squeeze Theme forums and get support from the UBD designers themselves.

The only other thing you need to get up and running is an email auto responder system. The one I personally use, and comes highly recommended by others is called AWeber. AWeber includes many different templates to use for creating opt-in forms, and you can paste in your generated AWeber code directly into the Squeeze Theme control panel.

If you are serious about making money online, collecting an email list of targeted subscribers is something you need to do. You will enjoy higher conversion rates and you will be able to market to your subscribers multiple times if you do things right. If you want get started with email marketing right away, then Squeeze Theme is a good choice to do that. Especially if you don’t have the skills to create squeeze pages yourself.

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