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Shortcut Your Product Development Process

If you’re in the business of changing your ideas into profitable products, you know it can be a lot of work! Here are five techniques that can help.

1. Choose wisely. You probably have 15 ideas in your head – any of which could become a profitable revenue stream for you. The trick is to determine which of those ideas has the best potential for becoming a product NOW.

2. Know where it fits. It is always easier to sell a product to a market that already knows you; one that already wants what you are offering. Knowing where this product fits before you start development ensures your success.

3. Set standards. If you’ve taken the time to format a document exactly the way you want it, never repeat that effort again. Instead, establish standards that you or someone you hire can use to replicate the look and feel of the document.

4. Create templates. Whether it’s a document or an entire website, it’s faster and easier to open the template, then “save as” the new project. Taking the time to create the template – and keep it updated – will pay for itself over and over.

5. Use checklists. In any product development process, there are multiple tasks. Every time you do a similar project, you’ll use the same steps. By using a checklist you’re sure you’ve completed all of the steps, in the proper order. This saves retracing your steps – or forgetting a critical step that will cost you time and money.

When properly organized, product development is a fast and pleasant experience. Using a time-tested system to move your idea from concept to profitable product will hasten the process and turn you into a product machine!


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