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Renewable Energy Solutions and Their Importance

Renewable energy solutions are known as systems that generate electricity from resources which are naturally replenished. It is hard to imagine a better world without renewable energy. Until recent decades mankind has only used those methods which have significantly damaged the environment including the atmosphere. Fossil fuel and coal powered electricity are two examples of these harmful methods. Due to the fact that these sources will one day run-out and the mass negative impact they have on the environment, renewable energy solutions have gained significant importance among governments and individuals at present.

There are four major types of renewable energy solutions that are widely being used to generate electricity. They are; Solar, Hydro, Wind and geothermal solutions.

Solar energy solutions:

Solar power is the most widely available source of energy in the world. Solar panels are used to harness the power of the sun into usable electricity. At present, solar plants or solar farms could be common seen in many countries. These plants have of hundreds, if not thousands of solar panels placed to generate mass electricity. The beauty of this technology is that it is very flexible. Solar cells can even be found in calculators and wrist watches.

Hydro energy solutions:

Hydro energy solutions are a technology that uses the flow of water to generate electricity. This is one of the oldest forms of renewable energy that exists. There are some countries in the world that are entirely depended on hydro energy for electricity without the help of any other forms of electricity production. Hydro electricity is generated by capturing the motion of water using water turbines. It is considered efficient since it uses the resource which covers up 75% of the earth’s surface.

Wind energy solutions:

The use of wind turbines to harness the power of wind into electricity are known as wind energy solutions. Wind speeds highly determine a wind turbine’s capacity of producing electricity. Wind turbines need maximum wind flow without any structural obstructions, to operate at their best. This is the reason why they are usually placed in remote areas and sea shores.

Geothermal energy:

Geothermal energy is produced by using the natural heat of the earth’s crust. Geothermal renewable energy solutions are primarily used for heating. Massive power stations are used to produce this type of energy and they are considered quite costly.

Apart from global warming being a primary issue, scientists and scholars have already predicted an energy crisis due to the rapid rate in which the human population is growing. Inventions and mass developments in green energy solutions is said to be the only viable solution to overcome these issues. fast paced developments in the fields of Information technology has massively contributed to the ways in which these technologies have been developed today. This has been evident since the last decade where bright minds around the world are helping make renewable energy solutions as much effective as they can.


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