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Prime 10 Net Internet hosting Corporations – Golden Record

Top 10 Web Hosting Companies - Golden List

Top 10 Web Hosting Companies – Golden List

It is very hard these days to decide which are the most popular top 10 web hosting companies and the highest rated hosting providers. That is due to a lot of reasons like the constant dynamic change in the web as a whole and the initiating of new hosting companies each and every day.

In order to distinguish the top 10 web hosting companies, there are some criteria to be considered

o Monthly fees: how does it cost per month to join the web hosting provider. Sometimes it is the cheaper the better, but some other criteria must be taken in consideration to determine that the provider offers good quality with the cheap fees.

o Bandwidth and disk space: usually they are unlimited, but sometimes service providers set limits, this does not necessarily mean that they are poor hosting services.

o Pop email: a secondary and complementary service that is very important in creating a website, as there are unlimited numbers of emails has to be sent to and received from any web site on a daily basis.

o Scripting and database features: this is of prime importance in selecting the best hosting service. The features include the popular Fantastico script installer, MySQL, FrontPage, Perl, and PHP web hosting. Most of these top 10 web hosting companies has to offer some exclusive services like unlimited websites hosting, advanced and enhanced control panel and free domain names.

I found it very hard and difficult when searching the net for a list of the top 10 web hosting companies, because there was no list like the other. But after a lot of review, here are the main companies of the list I found:

1. This site always offers savings and discounts with the best service quality as a weapon to attract new lasting customers.

2. They provide shared, reseller and dedicated web hosting solutions. They also have the longest period of money back guarantee.

3. This site provides free advertising credits which are very rare thing to offer customers, and has a very efficient customer service and backup.

4. They provide on this site no long term contracts, so customers can cancel subscription without any fees. They also offers Non-outsourced support with average hold times less than 2 minutes.

5. this site specializes in the fastest website setup service, and has the latest technology in websites’ analyze statics.

6. The magic word on this site is “unlimited”; everything on this site is unlimited from emails, free domains, number of websites, web files to web applications.

7. Up-time support is the most significant feature with this web hosting service as it is fast, reliable and solid.

8. The pricing on this site is very impressive where the provide everything possible like any other but with the cheapest prices.

9. A very good thing about this site is that it has a setup wizard which can install more than 25 web applications like Joomla and PHPBB.

10. A new feature introduced by this site is the environment friendly web hosting, where the servers work on efficient energy and carbon neutral is as maximum as possible.

I have found Fatcow hosting company the best among all these top 10 web hosting companies since it has given much better services with the best results.

dedicated web hosting
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