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Poker Database

Poker Database

The poker database is a very important part of the gaming system; to monitor and administer the day-to-day operation of a poker room it is a must. Consider the poker database as essentially the common repository of both dynamic data like game records, money transactions etc. and static data like user profile, game properties etc. and it is extensively used by almost every sub-system. The gaming system uses Oracle database.

The poker database has the following salient features:

o The schema is designed so as to keep it flexible, scalable and easy to maintain by keeping the data integrity, performance, normalization and simplicity in mind.

o Every primary table in the system has a corresponding log table to keep track of the changes in the master data.

o Indexes are chosen carefully to get the better retrieval performance without costing heavily on insertion performance.

o The poker database is accessed from applications using what our programmers call as a bit-mechanic JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) Connection Pool API.

o Applications query/manipulate the data using stored procedures to keep the data access clean and consistent across all the modules of application, at the same time centralizing all the business logic within the poker database.

o The Poker Database has over 300 tables with over 600 stored procedures.

A few of the important tables in the Poker Database:

T_USER: This is a primary table which contains user profile details like, account name, password, first & last name, email-id, address and also other essential user information like affiliate id, referrer, last accessed time etc.

T_GAME_LIVE: It records information about every game played on the site like game number, type of table, table name, time, total rake etc.

T_PLAYER: It records game play information like bets, wins, rake contributions etc. of every game of every user.

T_INVESTIGATION: This is the primary table for capturing the poker investigation team’s findings about a user and his activities on the site and helps for fraud and collusion control.

T_Wallet_Transaction: This table records all user’s real money transactions like purchases, redeems, bonuses etc.

T_BONUS_RULE: This primary table which captures various promotional bonus schemes setup in the System.

T_TOURNAMENT: It records details about the every tournament played on the site, like time, type of tournament, table name etc.

The poker database is a highly essential component of the gaming system. It requires a dedicated team to firstly design the poker database and then manage and maintain it 24/7. It gives absolute inputs to all teams from transaction management, customer service and fraud control as well. If the gaming system has a backbone, it is the poker database.

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