Introduction: To understand the hosting terms properly it is necessary to have a feel of what happens when someone “visits” your website. No one really comes calling. What happens is a sequence of events as follows.
- This visitor types in something called a URL. That has three elements. Name of the protocol(http). A domain name and the file pathe follows separetd by a slash. In his browser window. The domain part is the address to your site and the file path specifies the exact page the visitor wants to see.
- That sends out a http request to your web server. Web server is a software application that understands this HTTP or the hyper text transfer protocol.
- The http server or the web server takes the file path (same as you specify a file in your own machine) and retrieves the file and sends back the complete file to the requesting browser.
- The file has the content that you want the visitor to see and some formatting information in a language called HTML or hypertext mark up language.
- The browser uses the formatting information and displays the content, text, image and whatever else on your screen.
So when you need to set up a web site, what you need is a web server that can handle http requests and serve up the pages/files as requested. This web server needs to be connected to the internet of course so that anybody surfing the net can get connected to your site. Hosting service providers are the people who rent out machines that can run a web server specifically for you and provide connections to the net. When choosing a service provider, then you need to make sure visitors can find you and download the information they need. You need to understand then what these providers are offering and it helps if you understand the following well.
- Hosting/ Web Hosting: Provision of a server and connecting it to the internet so that http interactions can happen without a problem. Service providers rent out these facilities; a machine, memory, disk space and connection capacity or bandwidth.
- Disk Space: This space defines how large a web site, a domain, you can host. Dividing the space available by average page will tell you how many pages can be hosted.
- Bandwidth: It is the capacity to serve more and more files/pages. Think of a water main. The bigger the pipe, more water can flow out of the pumping station. Higher bandwidth means that more files/pages can be supplied simultaneously. For example if the bandwidth is 1 GB (1000 MB) means that the service provider can send out 1000 pages if a page is on an average 1 MB size. That, in turn, means 1000 visitor can be at your site at the same time.
- Shared Hosting: When the service provider locates more than one web server packages on his server machine it is shared hosting. RAM, Disk storage etc. are divided up between the servers hosted on a machine. More than one application (web server in this case) can easily run in a machine under one OS, this is not much of an issue.
- Private Hosting:In this scenario you would be provided your own server located at the hosting service provider data center.
- Co-located Hosting: In this the server is completely owned by you; hardware, software, storage et al. Except that it is located at the service provider location.
- Control Panel: This is an interface that lets you control your web server. You want to add pages, modify or delete pages and this interface will let you do that. CPanel is a name you will encounter often. This is a interface that has become popular and many service providers give you this interface after you log in to the service provider site for administering your web site.
- FTP access: This is a protocol that allows quick access to the service provider server where your web server is located and lets you load pages of your site. This is the standard way to upload pages and must be available, preferably with 24×7 availability.
- Domain: Domain name is the name/address of your web-server and needs to be unique. For that purpose there is a central registering authority who maintains a database of names already allotted. However, many other agencies interact with this central agency and let you register a domain names. Most web hosting providers lets you register a domain name. You can also get sub-domains like or etc.
- Linux Web Hosting: Means that the web server for you will be running under the Linux operating system. Most facilities are similar to Windows hosting. It is actually more flexible and less expensive. Supporting software should be Linux compatible.
- Windows Web Hosting: Here the hosting environment is the Windows operating system. Supporting software need to be Windows compatible.
- Web Site Builder: Most sites will offer tools that help you build a web site quickly based on templates meant for first time web site builders. Most service providers will offer such a service.
hosting domain registration
#Dozen #Web #Hosting #Terms #Explained
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