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Making Cash On-line – Make Affiliate Advertising and marketing Magic!

Making Money Online – Make Affiliate Marketing Magic!

So you’re a successful Pay Per Click producer. You generate income from interested Web traffic with money to spend, via a variety of search engine advertising campaigns. You use the big three: Google, Yahoo and Microsoft – to ensure that customers have the greatest possible chance to encounter your advertising message. You’ve even used more specialized product/service engines like NexTag and pay-per-call services like Ingenio.

However, if you think you’ve got making money online down to a science with PPC alone, think again. You don’t have the full picture if you aren’t into the magic that is affiliate marketing!

Affiliate Marketing is big and it is now. Under this system, you have a merchant that is willing to let other people (you, as the affiliate) sell directly or indirectly its products and services, in exchange for a commission. Sometimes this type of advertising is also called CPA (cost per action) or CPL (cost per lead) based. Affiliates can send potential customers to the merchant using several tools, from banners to text links and product reviews.

What product lines translate most easily into money via Affiliate Marketing? Cellular smartphones are increasingly in demand, particularly gadgets like the iPhone and related accessories. According to VentureBeat Digital Media, 45 million iPhones will have been sold by 2009, with the potential for millions more in China. Online music and video downloading continues to boom in popularity, so why not partner with the number one music store online, iTunes? Or partner with a personal loan company? Consumers in need of fast cash have turned to such companies in increasing numbers, so the potential is there.

There are many different affiliate programs in cyberspace. The big three of Google (AdSense), Yahoo (Yahoo Search Marketing Affiliate Program) and Microsoft (Microsoft Affiliate Network) offer outstanding options for high-visibility revenue sharing. Let’s take a look at what it’s like to play with the big boys.

AdSense crawls all of the content on your Web site and delivers relevant, high-impact ads that your site’s audience will find extremely useful. They also allow you to easily create a search box for your site, customize the appearance of search results and ads, tune all ads to your site’s content and audience, and give you the benefits of comprehensive site search results with indexing. As always, the leads you provide translate into affiliate dollars for you!

Yahoo’s Search Marketing Affiliate Program is the avenue through which you can earn ample commission dollars ($30 each) when you refer an advertiser into Yahoo’s PPC advertising network. There are a wide variety of downloadable promotional materials (banners, text links, and referral links) that you place on your site to help sell Yahoo search marketing. Tracking referral links can also be downloaded and forwarded directly to your prospects, as part of an E-marketing campaign. And your referrals are easily traceable.

With the Microsoft Affiliate Network, you are kept up to date on the latest and greatest commission opportunities as they become available. All of the marketing materials you’ll need to effectively promote Microsoft products and services is provided in an easy-to-use portal. Traffic is reported in real time, which makes it easy to track how well your affiliate placement is performing. Most significantly, Microsoft makes a staff of affiliate managers available to help you with any questions you might have.

There are numerous other very strong affiliate marketing options. If you sign up for the Dreamhost affiliate program, you can promote their highly regarded Web hosting services on your site and receive sizable cash rewards for each signed referral to Dreamhost’s Web hosting service. Azoogle Ads offers Facebook application monetization, in-stream video advertising and many other features, as well as a strong PPC network infrastructure for advertisers. Financial products are another high-converting affiliate opportunity, offering dozens of payday loan, debit relief, and credit card affiliate programs. These kinds of programs typically pay affiliates on a per-lead basis, and commissions are usually some of the highest paying offers anywhere. Unlike other programs where the referred customer has to purchase something before an affiliate earns a commission, a customer simply has to apply for one of these offers in order for the affiliate to be rewarded.

Whatever affiliate marketing course you choose, you’re bound to discover the kind of moneymaking potential to give your business a vital spark. But don’t stop with PPC and affiliate marketing! In-text advertising is a great way to round out your online moneymaking routine.

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