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Insulation Removal: Hakuna Matata!

Sometimes, one needs to remove their current pipe insulation for them to install a new one. Depending on how humid a house basement is and how frequent the pipes sweat, the foam pipe insulation can be removed after a few years of use.

If you want to perform an insulation removal by yourself rather than paying a professional installer’s service fee, then better read and digest these helpful tips carefully.

  • First and foremost, think of your and your family’s safety first. This means that before working, you must turn off your electrical power. You should also inform all of your housemates about the important task you are going to do so that they will be very careful once they need to go to the basement on the scheduled removal of the insulation. Better yet, schedule the task on the part of the day when all (or most) of your family members are out of the house. In this way, none (or only a few) of them will feel the inconvenience of a temporary power loss.
  • Another thing you must do to keep yourself out of danger is to wear some protective gear. A safety goggles can protect your eyes from falling bits of insulation while a pair of rubber gloves and boots are very helpful just in case you forgot to switch off the power. Remember, you are removing damp insulation which can be a very good conductor of electricity. Gloves can also protect your hands just in case you accidentally cut yourself with the utility knife you are using.
  • Ensure the sturdiness of your ladder. Make sure that it will not move much once you step on it. A good ladder should withstand the weight of the individual who uses it. You should also let the ladder stand on a dry floor so it will not slip.
  • Move all the furniture to an area that you will not work on. Better if you can ask someone to help you move the furniture on a safer level of your house.
  • Use a well-lit lamp that is powered by batteries. This is for you to see the areas you are working on despite the absence of your fluorescent lamps.
  • Insulation of phenolic foam materials can leave some residue when removed. The new insulation will not stick there properly if you will allow the residue to stay in there. A mixture of powdered soap and water or a liquid detergent can aid you in removing these remains. Use the blunt edge of a knife in scratching these deposits. Be careful not to touch the radiant barriers on your ceiling if you have any.
  • Make sure that you dispose the used insulation by following your state’s regulation on the disposal of such materials. Place the used insulation inside a big plastic bag sealed tightly. Do not dump on bodies of water to avoid water contamination in your area.

Insulation removal is truly an effortless task. People from any gender can do this task easily without difficulty; just follow the tips above and your good to go.

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