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Fuelless Generator – Can You Really Generate Electricity For Free?


A fuelless generator can generate all your home electricity needs for free. This sounds like pure fantasy to most people when they first hear it but that is because they have grown up in a world where all electricity generation relies on fossil fuels or renewables. Is there really another way to generate electricity that is virtually free? If so, how does this generator work without fuel? Finally, how can a person access this technology for themselves?

How Does A Fuelless Generator Work?

A fuelless generator is known by many other names such as “magnetic motor generator”, “zero point generator” and others. It is a type of device that converts power relating to magnetism into mechanical force and motion.

Conventional physics cannot explain how this works but a fringe area of physics known as “zero point physics” can. This was studied extensively and developed by Einstein in the early part of the 20th century. Much work in this area was done by Nikola Tesla, the man who basically invented alternating current – without which we would not have computers, appliances, the internet, power transmission and more.

Unfortunately, research in this area was suppressed not long after its discovery. This is thought to have been done by commercial and governmental interests who sought to keep the status quo – a reliance on oil and petrochemicals.

The generator is simple enough – it is really nothing more than a rotor surrounded by strategically placed magnets. Finally, there is some basic electrical wiring to convert the rotary motion produced into electricity.

Contrary to what some people say, this is not a perpetual motion machine and it does not claim to be one either. The magnets degrade with time and the bearings must also be periodically replaced. Even so, the electricity generated can easily cover these small replacement costs.

How Can I Make My Own Fuelless Generator?

There are really two options here.

The first is to do what many other pioneers have done and to look at old plans from Nikola Tesla and try to figure out how to produce a 21st century version of his device. If you look at all the working motors produced over the last 20 years then, although similar in principle, they all look wildly different and quite complex. This may be partly due to the desire of many of these innovators to produce large, commercial scale devices. Most of these pioneers have spent several years working on their motors.

The second option is for those who just want to run a basic motor that will power their home within days of starting construction (rather than months or years). You can invest a small amount in a set of solid, reliable and guaranteed to work plans that will allow you to construct a motor simply and cheaply (many parts can be obtained second-hand too). This way, you could have a working motor after a full weekend’s work if everything goes to plan.

Source by Scott Harris

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