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Exactly how to Establish an Online Marketing Mlm Blog Site

How to Set Up a MLM Network Marketing Blog

With “attraction marketing” as one of your MLM network marketing lead generation strategies you need a blog. Your own personal MLM network marketing blog. So you can position yourself as a “lead magnet”.

In order to stand out from the MLM wannabe’s you need a professional installed and designed blog. These are some of the things you need to consider:

  • Domain names
  • Hosting partner/ operations
  • Blog framework software
  • Blog design
  • Graphics/ pictures
  • e-mail capture
  • Plug-ins

Before we go into further details, I would like to point out the possibility of obtaining all of the above for free. But be aware that “free” usually comes with a price. You usually have to “pay” for it in the form of ads and links on your blog. In addition, you will not own the blog, so you cannot write what you want and you will not be guaranteed availability. Suddenly, one day, it could be shut down. So forget to have your blog on sites like or That is not good places for an attractive MLM Blog.

Domain Names

You need a “web name” for your blog, a web address. Since you are going to promote yourself using Attraction Marketing you should choose your own name. It is easiest and best. Avoid periods, hyphens, and abbreviations. It only makes it harder to remember your blog name. Stay well away from the “accented characters”.

You can easily buy a domain name from a “Domain name provider”. Just Google “domain names” and you will find a few to choose from.

Operations, hosting

You need someone to operate your blog. You need someone to monitor your hardware to ensure that the computer stay awake, fresh and alert, at all times. Also when you are at sleep. You need what is called a “hosting provider”. Getting hosting for your magnetic blog is easy and several companies provide that service. Make sure you get 24/ 7/ 356 hosting as it was called using geek slang. You understand? You want your blog to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year…

Blog Software

You need a “blog engine” so you don’t have to program the blog functionality yourself. I use WordPress blog framework. So does almost everyone else. And there is no reason why you should not. And do not be confused by the fact that I now recommend WordPress as blog framework as I previously told you to stay away from is more like an operating partner. Use WordPress and install it on your own domain at your hosting partner.

It’s fairly easy to install WordPress. If you think it will be difficult when I use the word “install” then ask for help from someone who has done it before.

Blog Design

You need a special appearance on the blog. Your blog should not look like any other blog. You are unique. Therefore, your blog should also be unique. To change the look of your blog use what is called “Themes”. You can easily find a number of free WordPress (WP) Themes. Most of these are not very good and they come with advertising you cannot take away. Forget it. Choose a “Premium Theme”. A “Premium Theme” will cost you a few dollars. It is worth it.


There are some who have said that a picture is worth 1000 words. You will need some graphical elements on your blog. At least a heading. Maybe a book cover or cd cover promoting one of your e-products. You should definitely have a picture or two of yourself. Smiling. Remember, you are promoting YOU.

Autoresponders integration

One of the main purposes of your Attraction Marketing MLM Blog is to get e-mail addresses for your autoresponder. You should therefore have an e-mail capture on all your blogs websites. Preferably you should also have a great lead-offer, a lead bribe.


WordPress will give you the best blog framework. In addition your blog needs special functionality not provided by the WordPress framework. Fortunately this functionality is provided by 3rd party providers and is called “plug-ins”. A plug-in is programming code giving your blog extra functionality. For your Attraction marketing blog you will need social media plugins, seo plugins, database administration plugins, security plugins and backup plugins. These are easy to find and install.

That is about it. That is all you need to set up your magnetic attraction marketing MLM blog.

Good luck.

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Post byBedewy for info askme VISIT GAHZLY

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