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Challenges Dealing with On-line Freelance Writing

Challenges Facing Online Freelance Writing

Challenges Facing Online Freelance Writing

Online freelance writing is emerging as a practical and profitable avenue for making money; but it faces formidable challenges of legality, internet penetration, and lack of pertinent equipment. Increasing global unemployment has resulted in the emergence of alternative ways of making money. Millions of people have embraced the internet in the quest for gainful self-employment. The World Wide Web is the next frontier in the fight against unemployment. While there are many other options for making money, freelance writing is the most popular owing to its relatively low demand for skills. Writers who ply their trade on the internet write academic papers, web content; technical documents such as reports, data entry and many other related activities. In spite of this, there are a number of challenges that this industry faces.

First, online freelance writing is largely unregulated. Companies are springing up every day and begin to offer pertinent services to willing clients. They recruit writers from all over the globe and assigned orders, based on a pre-stated criteria. Online writing companies are the intermediaries between the writer and the client. Problems arise, however, when unscrupulous people start companies which have ignoble intentions. These fraudsters deprive both the writer and the client of their money. After gaining substantially from unsuspecting people, the companies disappear suddenly. Such actions are demoralizing to the defrauded parties. Unfortunately, the aggrieved party rarely gets justice since these internet sites are operated from different countries, and serve a global customer base.

Another important challenge facing online freelance writing is the disparity or dearth of internet penetration. While it is true that most urban centers have internet coverage, the signal becomes weak as one travels to the outskirts. There are areas that have no internet coverage at all. Writers living in such places, have a problem accessing respective sites. They, therefore, miss out on jobs, thus curtailing their incomes. Even in cases where such writers seek for alternative internet sources, the costs are too high. In developing countries, where many of these writers are found, problematic internet connections are a formidable barrier.

Lastly, lack of computers, modems and other respective apparatus, impacts online freelance writing negatively. Owning a desktop computer or a laptop is not easy for some writers, especially those that have recently graduated from universities. Although cyber-cafés are practical alternatives, they do not offer the writer an atmosphere conducive to effective writing. In other words, unless a writer owns a computer with internet connection, he or she may not excel in this field.

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