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B-Tech: If You Don’t Know What You Are Up To, You Will Hate Yourself Later

Sacking is a new threat and the students are scared to choose to engineer as a career option!

A student life is a golden life; only when they understand the value of it and experience every moment of the journey happily. In present days, the student lifestyle has changed enormously in comparison with the days back then. The perspective of the education system shaped up according to the modern lifestyle and requirement. As a result, skills and talent are the new measurable assets of the students which help them to perform well in the professional world.

The life of engineering student these days is constructive and pre-planned, such as internals, exams, events, development programs, and so on. The mindset of the student should be balanced to match the quick change and the fast-paced lifestyle. But most of the students unable to handle the pressure; they would step back and just concentrate on the academics to score well in exams, which could affect the personal growth. If it is so, then they may not be capable enough to face the challenges of the real world. Precisely, it would be difficult to survive at the workplace without basic soft skills.

Years back, when a graduated engineer was on a job hunt, the options to start the professional career were many, also the pay was convincing too. Hence the respect and the importance of engineering and the engineers were at its best. Moreover, the hype of B-Tech (engineering) continued to dominate the higher education around the country for many years. People were fascinated by the lifestyle and the handsome pay scale of an engineer, but since last few years, time flipped and the preferences changed.

Most of the companies started sacking their employees in huge numbers, as a result, jobs based on B-tech started fading, and such incidents affected the students approach towards pursuing B-tech. The wound is still fresh, and most of the aspirants don’t share a positive opinion about B-tech as a career option.

The fear of losing a job in IT sector is known reality, but we should not deny the fact that IT is also one of the highest paying industries in the world. The reasons behind the uncertainty in engineering jobs are many, but few general causes can be up-lifted towards the growth, and the below points represent the same, which will be helpful for the aspiring students to understand the world of engineers.

*The lack of skills (technical and non-technical) has been one of the most common reasons for losing a job

*If an employee is underperforming or is not actively contributing to the work front, then the result would be bittersweet

* Incompetent to the job, unacceptable conduct, and under qualified for the job position could be the reason behind the dismissal

* For fresher’s: Lack of communication skill and lack of stream knowledge could be the reason

The companies these days are less interested to continue the journey of employees who are not capable to complete the assigned task within the given time frame and stuck in old methodologies to approach the professional world challenges. The presence of such individual in any team will reduce the pace of workflow; eventually, that person will lose his/her compatibility, which makes the company take a strong decision.

If you are new to the B-tech race, choosing a good engineering college would be the best option to learn the required skills to be a professional engineer. You will get an opportunity to upgrade your skill set based on the job preferences, and also the placement wouldn’t be a concern for you. So if you don’t know what you are up to during the B-tech journey, you will hate yourself in a tough situation.

For an engineering student study, the atmosphere is vital. The type of college you choose will shape your personality for the future if you think the college you are choosing will give you enough opportunity to prepare yourself for the challenges ahead; then, you are on a right way to tackle the world around you.

Keeping yourself updated to the trend and steady approach to your goal is the key objective to be a successful engineer. Make sure the road to success has enough signboards to guide you!


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