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Affiliate Ways: Hiding Your Affiliate Hyperlinks

Affiliate Tactics: Hiding Your Affiliate Links

Being an affiliate involves a lot of work and dedication. In the long run you reap the benefits which are making money and enjoy your life. As an affiliate you’ve heard of link cloaking which is the process of “masking” the links to make them more search-engine-friendly and easy for visitor to click. By doing this you are protecting your affiliate commissions. In this article I will describe two ways to hide your ugly affiliate links and turn them into good ones!

The first method of cloaking your affiliate links is to use an “intermediate” php file. Give it a search-engine-friendly name. For example if the webpage you are linking is about meditation exercises name the file meditation_exercises.php. Upload the file to your server and you’re done. Now instead of promoting the actual affiliate URL you will promote the cloaked URL. Inside the “intermediate” php file you will place a piece of code that will redirect visitors to the actual affiliate URL. OK the idea is simple. Now let’s talk about how to implement it. It’s as easy as 1,2,3… Instead of posting the small code snippet here I decided to let you do this yourself. It’s very easy. Visit a major search engine and enter the term “How to redirect with PHP” or “PHP redirection”, visit the website, grab the piece of code and start applying this tactic to cloak your affiliate links. The down-side to this cloaking method is that it allows no click-tracking except if the affiliate network allows you to use tracking IDs to your affiliate links.

The second method involves spending money buying a specific cloaking software. They are called “affiliate link cloakers”. If you are wandering whether you want to spend money on something like this, think that even if you save one commission you’ve made back the cost of the script. The big benefit when using such a cloaking script is that you can track your clicks and have an overall view of your click-through rates and commissions! You usually manage everything from a centralized control panel. If you are interested in an “affiliate link” cloaker you can search online or read the epilogue of this article. Search for “How to cloak affiliate links” or “Affiliate link cloaker”. When choosing such a software make sure you read all its features before you install it. Make sure whether it meets your needs and desires. It should be installed easily, and be applied to any affiliate link with ease. Most of all it should offer detailed statistics of click-through rates.

Whether you are using an “intermediate” php file or an “affiliate link cloaker” it’s a good strategy to always mask your links in order to make them more friendly for users and to improve your click-through rates. I hope you don’t mind me not posting the actual piece of code in the first method of masking links using an “intermediate file”.

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