Affiliate Link Cloaking Script – Internet Marketers Don’t Be a Victim of Commission Theft
The internet has plenty of untapped potential and resources for making a more than decent income online. One specific niche area is the revenue stream produced by affiliate internet marketing. If you want to take advantage of this highly popular income making method, you need to have among your resources a strategy to protect yourself from commission theft, such as an affiliate link cloaking script. Another benefit of an affiliate link cloaking script is the ability to take lengthy ugly commission links and shorten them into user friendly “pretty” url’s. Here’s an example:
Ugly lengthy link:
Nice tidy link:
The second url looks a lot better, and it serves a purpose. First, your affiliate id is not revealed so link thieves cannot hijack it and steal your commission. There are different ways thieves go about stealing your commissions, and new ways are invented all the time.
We won’t go into each one here, but if you do some research, you’ll find that it happens often to unsuspecting affiliate marketers. The best protection you can implement is to cloak all of your affiliate links. You can do this manually by way of html and php files, but it is time consuming and you do have to have some coding knowledge. The simplest solution is to use affiliate link cloaking software.
There are scripts available ranging in price from $50 to $100 dollars or more, but I’ve found products on the lower end price range that not only get the job done, but with some added features to boot. You want a product powerful enough to offer you the ability to reroute and redirect the shopper to any page of your choosing, whether it is the vendor’s sales page or one you’ve designed on your own.
You also want a product that is easy to use right out of the box. It is helpful if there is assistance on a product if you need it, such as a support ticket system in case you have questions. Affiliate marketing offers opportunities for anyone interested in making money online.
Just be sure to protect yourself against scammers and thieves that are out there lurking and waiting to steal your hard-earned commissions right out from under you. When you consider all that you have at stake, fifty bucks for affiliate link cloaking script is a small price to pay to help you on your way to affiliate internet marketing success.
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