A Simple Guide to Search Engine Optimization!
The major reason for having a website is to develop the business by drawing visitors. How people will come to know about your website? It is very rare that they type your domain name in the browser and log on to your website directly. The best choice to draw visitors is through seo. 90% of the users prefer to find links through Google. So, it is compulsory for every online business to make their website, search engine friendly.
Some of the popular search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN can be used for your online businesses. These search engines collect data from the public web pages. The data so collected is indexed and kept ready. When the surfers search for a specific service or product using the search engines, they provide the web pages they have indexed. So, crawling is the key behind the search engine results page.
There are certain tactics to be followed for effective crawling of your website and get the top ranking in seo.
Things to do:
* Choose the right keyword or keyphrase that you are going to use in your web page. The important thing is that the keyword should be related to your business. This can be done by doing some research in the internet.
* Having a domain name with keyword works great even though search engines do not insist on this.
* Derive the title tag with the keyword. The title should be short and crisp with the usage of keyword.
* Make sure that heading of your content contains the keyword or phrase. Add keyword in your content for minimum of 5 to 6 times. Search engines list the web pages based on the keyword density.
* Create keyword rich unique content and change them frequently. Never do the copy paste work.
* All the links that are directed from other web pages to your website should use the same domain name. Otherwise search engines take them as different URL’s which may affect your progress.
Things to avoid:
* Avoid using special character or hyphenated words in your URL.
* Never dump too much of keywords in the content. The keyword density should not exceed 10% of the content.
* Search engines give ranking based on the content also. If you have duplicate content in your web page, your site may be ignored.
These are some of the basic guidelines to be followed to get positive results through seo.
domain searches
#Simple #Guide #Search #Engine #Optimization
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