How to Get Your Ex to Chase You – 3 Powerful Tips to Flip the Script
You were the one doing the chasing for while, weren’t you? You realized that all you were doing was pushing your ex farther and farther away from you, annoying them and alienating yourself in the process. So now you want to know if there is a way to get your ex to chase you. There certainly is! Read on…
Here are three tips you can use to flip the script.
One, stop initiating communication with your ex right now for at least 14 days. After a few days, your ex will start wondering why you are no longer calling, what you are doing and if you are not interested anymore. This is guaranteed to get your ex thinking about you and at this stage this is what you want.
Two, write a short email to your ex in which you tell him/her that the break up was the best way to go and that you wish him/her all the best in future endeavours! Trust me when I say your ex will respond. All I have to say is, let the chase begin!
Three, be as elusive and as unavailable as possible. Your ex will suddenly understand that he/she is no longer and priority and will want to reposition themselves at the top spot in your life.
These three tips guarantee 100% results but… easy does it because if you do not know what else to do when your ex starts vying for your attention, you will ruin your chances of getting back together with your ex.
These tips when combined with a step-by-step plan, like the one you find below, speed up the process to get your ex to chase you and become completely addicted to you. If you are anything like me, that is ideally want you really want, right? Click on the link below and let’s get you started on the fast track.
#Chase #Powerful #Tips #Flip #Script
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