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The best way to Examine Your Backlinks Utilizing Yahoo

How to Check Your Backlinks Using Yahoo

How to Check Your Backlinks Using Yahoo

I love looking at backlink data for a couple of reasons. It shows me how many links I have pointing to my sites and how much they have grown in number, but it doesn’t stop there. Anytime I thinking of finding a new major keyword to rank for or get started in a different niche, I study the backlink profiles of my main competitors.

My main competitors in this case are the websites that are already ranking for the terms I want to rank for. So how do we find this data? With the Yahoo Site Explorer tool.

Yahoo Site Explorer

Most often, I start by going directly to the Yahoo Site Explorer website. Start by copying and pasting the link for the page or website you want to check on. Then go to the Yahoo Site Explorer site. You can find it by searching for “Yahoo Site Explorer” in your favorite search engine.

Enter the url you want to check backlinks on into the top search bar and press the “Check ULR” button.

Once the results come up, you will see two tabs. The first shows you how many and what pages Yahoo has indexed for the website or page in question. If you entered a main url ( like ), it will show you all pages it has indexed for the domain. If you entered a specific page url, all you will see is the one page.

Of more interest to us though is the “inlinks” tab which will show us any backlinks to the domain or web page. We can then sort the links further by choosing to remove the internal links (show links except from this domain) and by choosing to show links only to a particular ULR or the entire website.

The “Link” Search

Your second option is to go to and enter the following into the search box (replacing “” with the actual url of the site you want to check on.


It will take you to the Yahoo Site Explorer site and automatically pull up the “inlinks” tab for you. From there you can manipulate and sort the backlink data as mentioned above.

What To Do With This Backlink Data?

Now that we have all this data, what can we do with it? For your own website, this is a great way to monitor how your link building is going, but much more beneficial to me is being able to check on the backlink profiles of my competitors.

You can find out how hard it will be to outrank them. The more links they have the more you can expect to have to get to outrank them.

You can also look through the sites your competitors are getting links from and find some of them that you can approach about a link as well.

domain check
#Check #Backlinks #Yahoo

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