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Is Your Internet Site Search Engine Optimization Friendly As in Internet Search Engine Optimized?

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Is Your Website seo Friendly As in Search Engine Optimized?

You have a blog, a website and now you know you need to get your website noticed. So you search and look and find this think called search engine optimization or seo. It’s a little confusing, a bit overwhelming and also so technical oriented you just, want to run away.

Well to take away some of the search engine optimization or as we say seo work lets first discuss what is seo and than what is required and than we can discuss some solutions to remove your fear of technology.

What is seo or search engine optimization?

The acronym “seo” in detail means “search engine optimization”, a term adopted by the internet marketing consultants who perform optimization projects on the part of their clients, through employees or via freelance consultants.

As a website advertising strategy, seo considers how search engines work and what people search for. Optimizing an online business largely involves editing its content, HTML and associated software. The objectives are to increase the website/blogsite’s importance for identified keywords so you can remove and ensure the search engines index your website. This all means it will put your website into it’s inventory so others can find it.

What needs to be done?

Assuming your success is mandatory, you want to do the following to succeed,

  1. Decide how you will set up your Title, H1, H2 and H3 Tags.
  2. Plan the density of your density in relation to the length of your content.
  3. Consider the placement of your keywords
  4. Analyze the images on your page and the links hyperlinked for each image.
  5. Set up your font decorations
  6. Then you have to bold, italize and underline your keywords.
  7. Learn how to Add ALT tags to your images
  8. Start testing and rating each post and page per the seo rules.
  9. Learn how to calculate your seo Score for page of your website.
  10. Correlate your site with Google’ Secret Algorithm That everybody knows nothing about but we all strive to know more about.
  11. As you work on your site you will need to recalculate your page rank when you change your post content.
  12. Continually tweak your links to get your WordPress site a better page rank in the search engines.

When done correctly it will drive lots of targeted visitors to your website. Now it is a lot of work that must be done on a continuous basis to be sure. And yes you need to do it daily.

website seo
#Website #seo #Friendly #Search #Engine #Optimized

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Post byBedewy for info askme VISIT GAHZLY

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