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Mestre Sala – Samba Host Meaning in the Carnaval of Brazil

In this article we will describe an especially characteristic element within the Brazilian Carnaval festivity: the Mestre-Sala translated from Portuguese to Samba-Host. Below, you will understand why this iconic element is able to symbolize the essence and honor of the Carnaval parade culture in Brazil. This figure represents the highest distinction to individuals who devote their career to Samba-Schools. Let´s see below some of most important Mestre Sala´s attributions and characteristics.

The Mestre Sala / Samba Host has a fundamental presence within the Brazilian parades, and without them, the festivity simply would not be complete or even exist. His main artistic function during the parade whilst courting his flag-bearing partner is to protect the Porta-bandeira (Flag- Bearer) and the banner of the samba school. Symbolically, the Mestre-Sala carries a handkerchief or fan. Carnaval historians note that in the past, samba-hosts would carry razors and small knives which were concealed within the fans/handkerchiefs and readily used if someone tried to steal the samba-school banner.

The second distinguishing attribution of the Mestre-sala is to draw everyone’s attention to his protegee and make sure the samba-school banner/flag itself is clearly seen by carnival judges and media. His mission is complete when the Porta-Bandeira Flag Bearer is positively evaluated and samba-school´s banner highlighted. Unlike other samba dancers, his choreography is refined and delicate, resembling the court dances of France aristocratic palaces. Similarly to the Flag Bearer, the Mestre Sala´s choreography is especially elegant. The samba-host costume also resembles those elegant clothing worn on European mid 18th century Carnivals and saloons, including a wig sometimes.

The Mestre – Sala / Flag Bearer seen at Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo parades have a history of at least 15 to 20 years of samba dance practices and presentations. As soon as they are identified by the samba school directors as talented dancers, they receive a special attention and are trained specifically for these functions. Some of them get their first chance to join an official parade as early as 15, 16 years old, as “third” or “second” samba-hosts.. Really talented samba dancers can become the official samba host number “1” before they are 25 years old, on average. If they reach this disputed post, they will naturally obtain glory, high social status within the Carnaval community and top salaries.

Now lets take a look at other interesting details of the Samba Host position:

* Samba Host performance is officially evaluated in the Carnival contest in Rio by a criterion called “Porta Bandeira e Mestre Sala” It is so important that it is used as a tie-breaker criterion.

* Today, due to the professionalization of Brazilian Carnival, we can find specific teachings for this type of choreography ( Samba-host & Porta-Bandeira routines). In samba academies, they can enhance their dance routines, artistic, and even acting skills.

* In a major samba-school parade, you can have up to 3 couples of Mestre-Sala / Porta-Bandeira per school. The official carnival judges naturally only rate the best couple and logically the most qualified of the school, called appropriately the “first couple”.

* The second and even third couples also play significant roles during the official contest. They are the future generations of these specific functions and take the opportunity of the official events to gain experience, charisma, graciousness so that hopefully one day they can become “couple number 1”.

* Today, the contracts of these professionals have increased significantly in terms of pay, since samba-schools will always try to have the best Samba Hosts, to make sure they obtain the perfect score for this contest criterion.

* The Mestre Sala / Samba Host costume can also cost up to US$ 15.000,00

* Some of the top samba host are fiercely disputed to be hired by the samba-schools

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Post byBedewy for info askme VISIT GAHZLY

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