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Effect of Google New Results on Local SEO Company in City Like Aberdeen

We all know about seo and how important seo services are for online business as well now for any business. Every organisation is always in need for highly professional seo service provider. Professional seo Company always builds effective seo campaign with all required analysis and client goal. How and what kind of link building will be done?, How seo marketing will work? What sort of target should be achieving in time line? They put these all questions in paper and derive the right seo campaign for customer. Here I am focusing on writing about local seo and how Google’s new updated search result will affect on seo companies and business organisation. How it should be perform in this New Year. As of being seo consultant in England and Scotland, I have seen growth of online business in developing cities like Aberdeen, Sheffield, and Leeds etc. Aberdeen is one of the growing cities in UK and I was fortunate to deal with some of the local seo service provider company in Aberdeen. Local seo is become more important because of Google new result sets. Google map listings have taken place of the results. Now in Google only 5-6 organic results are coming in first page. That is why local business is having more focus on Google map listing. I have gathered some of the points from my last visit to one seo Company of Aberdeen.

  • Get more backlinks from Country level domain (such as
  • Get more backlinks from Domain where city name is in url ( or
  • Add Address in business information while posting blog or article
  • Try to get more reviews in local websites.
  • Publish press release in Local publishing sites.
  • Use Geo tagging

These all I have found with a fruitful discussion about how local seo will perform in UK.


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