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Advantages of Using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is one of the most widely used style sheet language because it allows you to handle web pages effortlessly during development. As the name suggests, CSS allows the developer to link other documents in the website and he can also have greater control over the different elements of a web page. CSS, however, is not applicable to web design. What is does is about the presentation of content on different pages along with their formatting (layout, colors, and fonts).

Generally it is applied into style web pages written in markup languages such as HTML and XHTML. Web developers around the world including the South Wales web developers use CSS unsparingly as it facilitates content accessibility and offers greater control. Here follows the a few advantages of using CSS that have made it the choicest style sheet language among the South Wales web developers.

Lesser bandwidth consumption: One of the most important advantages of the CSS is its lesser consumption of bandwidth compared to the table layouts and it makes the pages faster to load. From development perspective, the time taken by a website to load is foremost concern. A developer can store the style sheet in cache memory after downloading and the subsequent pages do not require it to be downloaded time and again.

CSS compliments HTML: HTML is the most popular coding languages but it does not yield good result when used independently for developing website. But if HTML is combined with CSS, the web pages are technically stronger.

Greater flexibility in positioning element: South Wales web developers prefer CSS over other style sheets because it offers greater flexibility in terms of positioning various elements on different pages. It might be the case while developing a website that the placement of some links or columns is not appropriate to the structure. If the website is being developed using CSS, then the task of repositioning gets very easy for the developer as he can place anything anywhere.

Compatibility with different web browsers: Since Cascading Style Sheet is compatible with the most of the web browsers, provided the website has been developed by using HTML or XHTML. CSS enabled sites works similar to all the web browsers.

Print friendly web pages: Another reason behind the widespread use of CSS for HTML based web applications is that they generate print-friendly web pages. CSS automatically eliminates the colors and image and thus printing the pages become very easy.

Customization of webpage: CSS is a craze among website developers due to the customizability it offers. South Wales web developers are particularly fond of it because the present web development industry is focused on developing customizable websites. A developer can easily change the layout of a page without damaging the content presentation because the CS style sheets are stored externally.

Apart from these advantages, CSS comes with other supports such as compatibility to search engine visibility, content portability, consistency in the pages. As a formatting style, CSS has hardly a peer at present and the whole of the website development industry has accepted CSS as the only dependable style sheet to use.


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