It doesn’t take one long to realize that electricity cost is on the rise, all you have to do is open up your recent utility bill. The cost of living has gone up exponentially the last couple of years and yet wages have stayed the same. The cost of electricity has motivated some to switch to green electricity.
Why are electricity costs rising?
It may seem strange but energy utilities are affected by the outrageous cost of fossil fuels. The demand for electricity has been drastically increasing even with energy efficient appliances on the market, some power grids are finding it hard to keep up with the energy needs.
We are an electricity needed society without it we could not go about our daily lives. Look what happened during the 2003 blackout, our society can NOT function with out electricity.
What do we do?
Green electricity or renewable energy is hitting the news on a constant basis. With our environment in such a fragile state and our demands for fossil fuels climbing, is green electricity our answer?
Exploring the green option for electricity seems to be our only option. There are many forms of renewable energy that we can use, the basics being:
o Solar power energy – photovoltaic modules use solar cells to convert sun light into electricity
o Wind power energy- wind turbines convert the kinetic energy found in wind into mechanical energy
Both of these sources are clean, renewable and free. Our governments say they are on board with renewable energy yet they are still fighting wars to obtain the right to use fossil fuels.
Source by Vicky Gibbs