Ixora Plants For Your Garden
The ixora plant is mainly used as a hedging or ornamental plant. It can come in a range of colors such as whites, yellows, orange, reds and pinks. However the orange version is the plant I have often planted with great success. This normally comes under the name of “prince of orange.”
The best types of gardens for Ixoras are tropical and sub tropical gardens. However, I think you could still match this plant up with many other colored, flowering, hedging plants to great success.
The prince of orange can grow to 2 meters in height and diameter, and benefits from both a regular pruning and regular watering. In fact, the more you prune the ixora, the more it blooms with its large dense heads of amazing orange flowers. As a small plant you may be tempted not to prune as you are wanting the plant to grow. However, regular light pruning around the edges will encourage growth and extra flowering so do not worry about cutting off small branches, leaves and flowers.
It is best grown in full sun, with a well draining soil. However, it does not like frosts. I have found the best success when fertilizing this plant with a combination of blood and bone around the drip line of the plants foliage, followed by a small amount of sulphate of potash. This is then well watered and covered with a sugar cane mulch for water retention. The mulch should be around 10 cm in thickness, although I have often spread as little as 3 or 4 cm of sugar can mulch around the base of plants and it works well. Not only does this help retain water in the soil during hot summer months, it also aids in preventing weeds from growing.
The ixora also produces a very healthy and glossy green leaf. This would also give the impression that your garden is healthy and strong. A quick watering of the foliage removes any unwanted dirt and dust and keeps your plants foliage looking its best.
Most Ixora flowers have been used for centuries in garlands used for hindu temple celebrations and ceremonies. It is said that they have also been used in Indian folk medicine.
I have purchased these plants from gardening shops and nurseries for around $5 per small pot. These are also great flowering plants to use in vases for display and seem to last a reasonable length of time.
rose garden
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